Sunday, December 20, 2015

Top 10 movies of 2015

10. Ant-Man: As silly as I thought this movie was going to be, I still really enjoyed it. Even if the plot was basically the first Iron Man redone, it still had a lot of wit and humor. 

9. Avengers: Age of Ultron:  Even though I felt like I'd seen this before with the first Avengers, I still thought this was fun. James Spader was great as Ultron.

8. Tomorrowland: This was a super fun movie with a great message that was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

7. Star Wars: The Force Awakens:  The plot was basically A New Hope all over again, but it was still fun, and there was enough originality for me to feel like it wasn't a complete remake.

6. The Man From U.N.C.L.E.: This movie was FUN! I enjoyed everything from the acting to the score.

5. Peanuts:  Charles Schultz would be proud of this movie. It feels very true to the comics, and left me with a sense of childhood nostalgia.

4.  The Gallows:  This movie was so creepy. It takes the feeling of being  alone in a dark abandoned building and cranks it up to 1000. It was very well done.

3. Minions:  I didn't think the Minions would be able to carry their own movie since they don't speak English, but surprisingly it works. There was plenty of humor and I loved it.

2: Jurassic World: Chris Pratt was great as always, and the entire movie had a nostalgic feel to it.

And the number 1 movie of 2015 is:

Inside Out: This movie was super original and everyone can relate to it. It's clear a lot of thought (no pun intended) was put into this movie. And the mature feel of this movie makes up for the childish "Cars 2" and "Brave". Pixar feels great again. 

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The first line in this movie is "This will begin to make things right." I feel like that's a jab at the prequels. "Hey, we know the prequels were awful, but this new movie will begin to make things right." Probably not intentional, but clever nonetheless. My goodness, this movie is so well done! The parallels and metaphors are so cleverly written. Even if you haven't seen any Star Wars movies before, you can watch this as a standalone. Will you get more out of it if you've seen the original trilogy? Of course. Is it essential viewing before going into this one? No. The plot does at times feel "Been there, seen that," because it is essentially a remake of A New Hope. However, there's enough new bits in the story that left me satisfied. The practical effects are so well done, and the very little CGI in the movie looks more realistic than the prequels ever did. There's an important message in the movie, and the characters are relatable. Unlike some of the characters in the prequels, you care about what happens to these new characters. They're acting is great, and the classic actors still feel like their characters. Harrison Ford is still great with the zingers, and C-3PO is still the worrisome robot we all love. J. J. Abrams has restored what we all love about Star Wars. Even before the classic characters show up, it still feels like a Star Wars movie. If the upcoming films are even 1/4 as good as this was, there's a new hope for the Star Wars franchise.
Grade: A-  9/10 4/5 stars

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


I'll just say this right now: to enjoy this movie you need to go in with the right mindset. If you're expecting straight-up horror that will make it hard to fall asleep at night, this is not the film for you. However, if you're expecting dark comedy than you will most likely enjoy this film. It's obvious it was influenced by "Gremlins" and "Poltergeist" in some parts. Without giving too much away, I will say that if you were a child of the '80's you will definitely be reminiscing about those movies. That's not to say it's a straight ripoff of them, though. It's definitely got some originality to it. If you're a "Nightmare Before Christmas" fan, you'll probably enjoy "Krampus." There's even a flashback sequence entirely animated in stop-motion and it's beautifully done. Even during the parts that are supposed to be scary, it's so over-the-top and goofy that it's hard to take those parts seriously. That's not a complaint. I enjoyed that. I was smiling and laughing nearly the whole time. Even the score takes classic Christmas music and gives it a dark, warped feeling. You will never be able to hear "Carol of the Bells" the same way again. So, if you're tired of the cliche "we love each other" saccharine sweet Christmas films and you're looking for something different,  this is the film for you. I have a feeling that in about 10-20 years this will be considered a classic like "A Christmas Story," "Elf," Nightmare Before Christmas" and of course "Gremlins."

Grade: A-   9/10  4/5 stars

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Good Dinosaur

The animation in this movie was beautifully done and super detailed. I can only imagine how many man-hours it took to create every little speck of dirt, every drop of rain, and every little pebble. The backgrounds and nature aspect look super realistic. However, the animation is really the only highlight of this movie. As for the plot, it's nothing special. It doesn't really have that Pixar charm. I feel like any other studio could have made this. "Inside Out", "The Incredibles," and "Finding Nemo" all had original stories that no one had thought of before. Those movies were absolute genius. They all had a certain "Wow!" factor that no other animation studio could top. Here, I feel like Pixar got lazy. It's like they combined the "getting back to my family" story of Finding Nemo with the "prehistoric creature helps human get back to their family" story of Ice Age. There's even moments that feel copied from "The Lion King." There were 1 or 2 funny lines, but they weren't enough to save it from lazy writing. It also had the one thing I thought I'd never see in a Pixar movie is here: a drug reference. Yep, you read that right. A drug reference. That seems kind of low for you, Pixar. I'd expect that from Dreamworks, but not you. I would definitely not nominate this for Best Animated Feature. It's a good movie, but nothing special. 
Grade: B+. 8/10. 3.5/5 stars

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2

Although the ending is a little weak, the build-up is exciting and it's fun getting there. Almost every moment is edge of your seat excitement and despite its dark tone they still managed to throw some humor in every once in a while. Even the fearsome President Snow has a few zingers. Donald Sutherland was the perfect choice for Snow, and it shows here more than any of the other films. Every word sounds a chill down your spine and you hate him like you should hate all good villains. It is slow at times and some scenes serve no purpose other than to drag out the runtime. But for the most part the movie is exciting and that's what matters.  It's an (almost) perfect ending to the Hunger Games franchise. 
Grade: A-  9/10  4/5 stars

Saturday, November 14, 2015


I need to give compliment to the cinematographer, because the first 3 minutes of this movie are one big long pan shot. That's impressive.  I say even if you've never had interest in a James Bond movie before, but you are a fan of BBC's Sherlock (particularly Andrew Scott who plays Moriarty in that series) then see it for his acting, because he is awesome in this movie. Andrew Scott plays villains very well. That's not to say that Daniel Craig does a terrible job of playing Bond. He did a great job with his character as well. He had some witty lines(in fact, most characters did), and the action sequences were well done. Keep in mind the only other James Bond film I've seen is "Skyfall", so my opinion is based only on having seen that one other movie. The main plot didn't really have much, but there was a good food-for-thought subplot about global government surveillance that I thought was interesting. The car chase scenes were a little over-the-top and ridiculous, (There's no way his car should be driving up that curve.) but they were still fun. It's a little hard to keep track of what's going on, because there's lots of characters and subplots that are confusing. Is this one of the best films of 2015? No, but it is enjoyable.
Grade: B   8/10   3.5/5 stars

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Peanuts Movie

We have a contender for Best Animated Film, everyone! It won't win, because it's not Pixar, but if it was it would definitely win. Unlike some movie adaptations that have come out this year that completely disregarded the source material (Looking at you, Fantastic Four!) this feels very true to the Peanuts and what they're all about. The animation is at times even better than some Pixar films. It's all CGI, but the characters look hand drawn, while at the same time having depth. It's a very unique looking film, and has definitely set a new standard for computer animation. While the film doesn't really have a plot, and tends to quickly jump from one scene to the next, I thought that overall the movie was very cute and is definitely one of the best films of 2015!
Grade: A+  10/10 5/5 stars

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Hotel Transylvania 2

Let's be honest. This sequel was unnecessary. The first one ended perfectly. That being said, I enjoyed this movie. Although the plot was thin, and some parts made it seem like a direct to video movie, overall, I found the movie cute and fun. The plot didn't feel like a rehash of the first one, but they didn't exactly put effort into this one. There are a few funny one-liners and zingers, but the plot is not well thought out. There were a few genuinely heartfelt moments, and by the end of the movie I was satisfied, but again, the plot was thin. There are a few moments in the film where I was saying "What?" (and not in a surprised, excited way), simply because they don't make sense. A lot more effort could have been put into this movie, but I don't hate it. I liked it, but it could have been a lot better.
Grade: B+  8/10  3.5/5 stars

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

The first film in the series was exciting, but the plot felt thin. In this one, however, we get all the excitement of the first one, in addition to a great plot. This movie is essentially a zombie movie. It's like a PG-13 "Walking Dead." It's actually pretty scary. I read the books, but this movie took the excitement of them and cranked (no pun intended) it up to 1000! Seriously! Don't watch this movie alone. And don't take little kids to it. It's PG-13 for a reason, and even then it is a hard PG-13. It's not inappropriate aside from some profanities, it's just really intense. Even though I read the books and knew for the most part what was coming up, I still jumped a few times! I'm really excited for the next one, and disappointed that I have to wait 2 years for it instead of 1.
Grade: A+   10/10   5/5 stars

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Movie Madness now has a Facebook page! Like, and share it with your friends!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

This is one of the  best films of 2015! It doesn't take itself too seriously, and is one of the most fun films of the year. Everyone in this movie did a great job, and I'm really hoping there's a sequel. It's a big, corny, cheese fest, but that's to be expected since it takes place in the '60's. It's got a great, energetic score, and great writing. From car chases, to heists, to explosions, this film has everything! I was smiling and laughing throughout the entire movie. It's great fun, and highly recommended. Everyone in the movie has fun with it, and the only possible way you could not like this film, is if you were expecting a more serious spy thriller along the lines of "Mission: Impossible." Go in expecting a fun, cheesy, turn-off-your-brain movie and you will enjoy it. 

Grade: A+. 10/10. 5/5 stars

Fantastic Four (2015)

Dear Fox,
You've officially proved 3 times now that you can not make a good Fantastic Four movie. Just give the rights to Marvel studios already and let them control it.
How did Josh Trank go from making a great movie like "Chronicle", to making this?  This doesn't even feel like a superhero movie. It's so boring. It's an hour and a half (without credits) and an hour and 15 minutes is spent on the so-called "origin story". By the time the film actually got to the action, the thrill was gone. I was out of it. I didn't care anymore, and just wanted the film to end. They messed up Dr. Doom. When did he have romantic interest in Invisible Woman? Oh, yeah. That's right. Never. And The Thing's motion capture just looks creepy. this movie makes me so angry. The Fantastic Four's powers sure would come in handy in destroying this movie, though. Mr. Fantastic can throw this movie into another dimension, Invisible Woman can make the ashamed filmmakers invisible, and put force fields around them to shield them from the rotten tomatoes I want to throw at them, Human Torch can burn all copies of this movie, and Thing can smash all copies of this movie.  
Grade: F+. 0/10. 0/5 stars

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation

Mission: Impossible is one of the few franchises where it doesn't get worse every movie. It either stays about the same or gets better, depending on the movie. That being said, this is easily one of the best in the series. Knowing that Tom Cruise does his own stunts makes this movie so much cooler. There's scenes in here that are quite impressive. I won't say what they are though, because, spoilers. This reminded me of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The entire movie kept me engaged. There were hardly any boring scenes. It's exciting, and had done great twists. My only complaint is I found one scene quite predictable. 
Grade: A-   9/10  4/5 stars

Saturday, August 1, 2015


If you're a child of the 80s, an arcade aficionado, or a gamer in general, this is the film for you. If not, then its not for you and you probably won't like it. However, if, like me, you are in the target audience you will most likely enjoy this film. Although it isn't really that original, (let's be honest. It's "Ghostbusters" but with video games) it's still well done. The ending was a bit silly, and felt rushed and du-ex-machina, but up until that point I thought it was great. It is a bit slow in some parts and I wanted it to get back into the action, especially because those parts have no effect on the plot whatsoever. They tried to set up a romantic relationship between two characters, but it's wasted because they don't end up together anyway. And since Sean Bean is in the movie I felt they missed an oppurtunity to make a joke about how he always dies. They could have had him in an arcade where he gets a game over screen, and then had him say "Why do I always die?" Missed oppurtunity. I did enjoy the countless 80's pop culture references, and those were the best part of the movie. It's too bad this is getting bad reviews, because I was the only person in the theater the whole time. I thought this was a great movie. Will it be remembered in 10, or even 5 years from now? No, but it's a great movie nonetheless. 

Grade: B.   8/10   3.5/5 stars

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Happy 2 years!

It's been 2 years today since I started this blog! Thanks for all the positive feedback. Let's keep it going. Let's here it for year 3!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I really enjoy that Marvel movies don't just stick with one genre. Just as Captain America was a war movie and a superhero movie, this is a heist movie and superhero movie. (Meanwhile at DC) It's pretty hard to get excited about a superhero who's only powers are shrinking and controlling ants. Especially because the original Ant-Man is not the main character, so if you're not familiar with the comics you may be confused.  It's a different kind of Marvel movie. The theme of passing the torch has not yet been seen in any Marvel film. I loved that we've got the original hero passing on his legacy to a guy who really needs to change his life for the better. This has everything we've come to expect from an MCU movie. Humor, action, a good story, and cameos for the fans. It's reminded me of Guardians of the Galaxy, a lot. And that's a good thing, because I enjoyed that movie a lot. It's because of this movie that Paul Rudd will forever be known as Small Rudd. It's not the best MCU movie, (so far, that's Captain America: The Winter Soldier), but it is a fun little movie that will be known as a gamble that Marvel took, that paid off in the long run. 

Grade: A-  9/10  4/5 stars

Saturday, July 11, 2015


I'm kind of surprised that this was as good as at was. Considering the Minions don't speak English, I thought it wouldn't really work as a full length movie if most of it was in Minion-ese. However, it does work and somehow you can understand what they're saying perfectly. This is an absolutely hilarious film. I'd say it's one of the best of the year! It's even got references to the original "Despicable Me" movie.  Most of the humor is visual, rather than from the writing. It was great seeing everything tie in from this prequel to the original movie. It helps explain some things. Although it took away my theory that Gru created the Minions, their real origin is no more ridiculous than mine. It's fun for the whole family, and I look forward to "Despicable Me 3." I need more Minions, and I need them now. 

Grade: A+. 10/10. 5/5 stars

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Gallows

(Disclaimer: I know I say that I never see R rated films. However, the filmmakers go to my church as well, and quite honestly it's a PG-13 film that was very stupidly slapped with an R because the MPAA is dumb.)

This is without a doubt, quite literally, the scariest movie I have ever seen! The Poltergeist remake scared me, but this terrified me. I still have a pit in my stomach, and my heart is still thumping as I type this. A lot of people will write off this film as "bad" simply because it's found footage, without even seeing it. (Looking at you IMDB message board trolls.) This movie proves that found footage is not dead, and can still be scary. The acting is phenomenal (which is a surprise considering this is the first movie for almost all the actors.) It feels incredibly realistic. I was in stagecraft in my high school and this movie is the reason why I will never join that class again. I will also never join drama. Simply because this movie has scared me off those two classes forever. This makes the game "Five Nights at Freddy's" look like "Sesame Street" by comparison. (No offense, Scott Cathon. It's still scary, just not as scary as this.) This is the kind of movie you want to see with your friends in a room with the lights off and locked doors, so there is no escape. Bwahahahaha! I cannot recommend this movie enough. It's quite impressive that it has such a small budget and yet it still feels like a theater-worthy movie. I won't give away the end, but know that it is one of the greatest twist endings I have ever seen! Bravo!

Grade: A+  10/10 5/5 stars

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Inside Out

This is not only one of the best animated films of the year, it's one of the best films of the year, period. I'm glad to see Pixar slowly returning to form, by making charming, original films for the whole family. I've noticed that they've evolved from making movies that were considered "kids films" and going into deeper, more complex themes. As the audience who first saw Toy Story in 1995 (20 years ago) has grown up, so have Pixar's movies grown up with them. Pixar does the impossible. They make films for older audiences, while at the same time keeping them appropriate for the children who want to see it. We all know that this will win Best Animated Film at the Oscars next year simply because it has the Pixar name attached to it, but this is one of those times where I agree. (So far. That may change, because we still have Minions, Hotel Transylvania 2, Peanuts, and Pixar's next film The Good Dinosaur coming out this year.) I enjoyed the more subtle bits of humor for older audiences, that 10 years from now kids will rewatch this film and say "oh, now I get it." I thought I would be able to predict the plot, but the movie proved me wrong. I was not able to predict any of the plot other than what was shown in the trailers. This is one of Pixar's best. It makes up for Brave and Cars 2. I liked those, just not as much. I wouldn't say those are their best. This movie made me very emotional. (No pun intended) It's definitely a film that little kids won't appreciate as much as older audiences, because it's so deep. There is also a short before the movie called "Lava" about 2 volcanoes who fall in love. I thought that was great, too. The whole story was told through an island song which I felt was very unique. That definitely deserves some Oscar love too in the Best Animated Short category. 

Grade: A+  10/10 5/5 stars

Friday, June 12, 2015

Jurassic World

The great thing about this movie is that it has throwbacks to the original "Jurassic Park." The scene with the injured Triceratops in the original is now an injured Brachiosaurus. It's great that this is a remake and a sequel at the same time. The nostalgia factor is there for those who saw the original when it first came out, while at the same time keeping it fresh for a new generation. Chris Pratt doesn't disappoint with his special brand of sarcastic humor. His performance as dinosaur wrangler Owen is great. I said in my Iron Man 3 review that I hope the kid who played Harley does more acting in the future. He is in this, and he is as funny in this as he was in Iron Man 3. Some critics have complained that the story focused too much on the humans and not enough on the dinosaurs.  I disagree. There was just enough teasing the dinosaurs to keep me interested even when they weren't on screen. A footprint here, a claw there, but never actually a full dinosaur until much later. And I won't spoil the finale, but its easily the best thing this franchise has ever done. 
Grade: A+. 10/10. 5/5 stars 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

San Andreas

While it is a bit cliche (even for a disaster movie), overall, the film is fun. One of the great things about it is it manages to be campy, yet serious. There are moments that were unintentionally hilarious because they were overacted and far-fetched, and yet it works. It's funny that "The Rock" is in a movie about an earthquake. The movie is a great mix of humor and drama. Amidst all the destruction, and death, and people running for their lives, there's still the occasional funny one-liner. It feels a bit like the movie "2012" at times, but that's a good thing, because I liked that movie. This film is the kind of film where you just turn off your brain for two hours and let the visual effects do the talking. Nothing more than that. If you try to take the film seriously, you probably won't enjoy it, but if you watch it as what it is, a film meant to be fun and nothing more, you will enjoy it more.
Grade: B   8/10. 3.5/5 stars

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Poltergeist (2015)

When I saw the original Poltergeist, I wasn't really that scared by it. The remake, however, nearly made me pee my pants. My heart was still thumping as I left the theater. I did enjoy that there was a reference to the original. ("What's happening to you happened to another family back in 1982"). It was also interesting how they managed to make it modern day, yet still keep some elements of the original. (The family just moved into the house, and doesn't have a cable box yet, so of course there's static on the TV). You know that feeling you get where your stomach drops when someone sneaks up behind you? That happened to me several times. The only problem was Sam Rockwell's horrible acting. He has no emotional range in his voice and sounds very monotone. He's very boring to watch, and almost ruined the film. However, everyone else did a great job. 
Grade: B. 8/10. 4/5 stars. 


While the film was a little preachy in some parts, I enjoyed it as a whole. It felt like watching "Meet the Robinsons," which I loved. The one thing I didn't expect (especially in a Disney movie) was the warning about dystopian futures. It uses books like "1984," and "Fahrenheit 451" as examples. There is one scene where there's a vintage comic shop and there's Star Wars merchandise everywhere. (Subtle, Disney) I really enjoyed the positive message the movie has to offer, and highly recommend this film to everyone. If Brad Bird directs "The Incredibles 2" half as well as he directed this, I'm excited for it. He declined to direct "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" to direct this, and that was still a good decision because this movie is amazing! 
Grade: A-  9/10. 4/5 stars

Friday, May 15, 2015


I didn't expect this to be as good as it was, because, come on, it's Paddington. But, surprisingly, I really enjoyed this film. The CGI for the bears is incredible, and the way the fur moves so realistically is amazing. Although, for a kids' film, it's surprisingly dark. A taxidermist wanting to kill Paddington?! What were they thinking?! You don't have Tigger trying to eat Winnie-the-Pooh. The addition of a villain felt unneccessary, although Nicole Kidman's performance was pretty great.  I was pleasantly surprised by Peter Capaldi's character. There's actually some inside jokes if you're a Doctor Who fan, at his expense. This isn't just some kids film. I really enjoyed it, more than I thought I would. Will it be nominated for an Oscar? Most likely not, but it is a fun film. The writing was great, the acting was great, the CGI was great. Everything about this film was great. I highly recommend it. Contrary to what I thought at first, it's not completely un-bear-able. The fact that it has 98% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes says a lot, especially considering the type of film it is.
Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

Friday, May 1, 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron

The first film of the 2015 summer movie season is officially out, and it's awesome! They do need to figure out how to settle on a genre with these movies, because I'm not sure what they were going for. At times it felt like I was watching a cartoon, and other times a sci-fi movie. I will say that James Spader's performance as Ultron was chilling. I got chills down my spine every time he spoke. The advantage of Disney owning Marvel is they can have villians sing otherwise happy Disney songs and ruin people's childhoods by making them creepy. Now, concerning the characters of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Neither of their actor(esses) sounds genuinely Russian, and at times you can tell the accent is fake, because half the sentence will be in an American accent and the other half a "Russian" accent. I did enjoy the witty banter between all the members of the Avengers, and surprisingly, even Ultron had some witty dialogue. He is probably the best villain in any of the MCU films. Now, one more thing. I didn't put the "One does not simply leave a Marvel movie before the end of the credits" meme like I usually do, because there's only one scene after the first 2 minutes of credits, but nothing at the end, so don't wait for the very end of the credits.
Grade; A-  9/10  4/5 stars

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Why, Academy? Why didn't you nominate this for anything? This movie was amazing, and if I had seen it before 2014 ended it would have been on my top 10 list for sure. Jack O'Connell did a phenomenal job as Louis Zamperini, and rivals Benedict Cumberbatch's portrayal of Alan Turing in "The Imitation Game." I can't decide whose acting I liked better. I felt a range of emotion watching this film that I haven't felt in a long time. I was actually yelling at the screen at Takamasa Ishihara who plays Col. Watanabe, the antagonist of the film, because he felt genuinely evil. I wanted to reach through the screen and punch him in the face. This is such a powerful film, and it's a shame it wasn't nominated. I was so amazed at the hardships Louis had to endure, and genuinely felt for him. Everything about this film is amazing. The acting, the writing, even the score. There's something very unusual about this film that was a pleasant surprise to see. Religion is a key factor to the films plot, and it isn't mocked. That's something we need in more films.  It's a shame that the real Louis Zamperini passed away before this film was released. I'm sure he'd be proud. This is one of those films that you absolutely must see before you die. It's so inspiring, and puts everything in perspective. Bravo, Angelina Jolie. Bravo.

Grade: A+  10/10 5/5 stars.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Jupiter Ascending

Once again, Rotten Tomatoes lies. 25% is way lower than it deserves. While it is a bit slow in some parts, it's got enough action to make up for it. The plot is original-ish, and the CGI was amazing. I really liked Eddie Redmayne's acting as the villian. He reminded me a lot of Loki. The whole time I thought of Channing Tatum and Eddie Redmayne as Thor and Loki, because it just worked so well. I don't understand all the hate. Critics these days just give negative reviews to almost everything. If you hate movies, why waste your time being a movie critic? This is one of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen. I was absolutely blown away. Everything from the acting, to the visual effects, to the score was perfect. It's not only one of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen, but one of the best movies of 2015. (So far, This is still early 2015, so that may change) Eddie Redmayne did not deserve the Oscar for "The Theory of Everything", but I wouldn't mind seeing him get at least a nomination for this movie. 
Grade: A  9/10  4.5/5 stars

Monday, April 6, 2015


Other than this film being a 90 minute commercial for Rihanna songs (seriously, every song in this film is sung by Rihanna. It wasn't enough that she voices one of the main characters?) I really enjoyed this film. It is one of the most original films Dreamworks has done. The trailers are false advertising. This is not E.T.  It is completely different. I put this right up there with Turbo and Penguins of Madagascar. Dreamworks' films just keep getting better. 5 years ago it was Dreamworks putting out sequels every other year and Pixar doing original films. My, how the tables have turned. One day, Dreamworks may dethrone Pixar as the king of animated films. Why in the world did this only get 49% on Rotten Tomatoes? Further proof that most of the time it is inaccurate. This was originally supposed to come out in late November 2014, but due to production problems was delayed to late March 2015, and it shows, because there are Christmas decorations everywhere you look and Christmas plays a minor part in the story. Other than that, the film was excellent. The film was absolutely hilarious and had great writing. It most likely won't get nominated for Best Animated Film at the 2016 Oscars simply because it's Dreamworks, but it deserves to. Granted, this is the only animated film in 2015 right now, so my opinion my change once films like Inside Out, Peanuts, and Minions come out, but for now it deserves a nomination.
Grade: A-   9/10  4/5 stars

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Theory of Everything

I still say Benedict Cumberbatch should have won the Oscar for Best Actor, but Eddie Redmayne did a good job. He makes you believe that he is Stephen Hawking. This movie is very emotional, heartfelt, and beautiful. If I had seen this prior to making my Best of 2014 list, it would have been on there. I really enjoyed the score, and everyone acting did a great job. I really enjoyed the 2 "Doctor Who" references, and the theory that was used in the movie "Interstellar." It was amazing seeing how Stephen Hawking was suddenly diagnosed with this disease, and was expected to live for only 2 years as of the day of diagnosis, but defied those expectations and is still alive today. I really appreciate the care that the filmmakers took in making the film as accurate as possible. The real Stephen Hawking even said that at certain points of the film he thought he was watching himself. While I do disagree with the Academy, I still thoroughly enjoyed this film and am happy that it at least won some awards, even if I don't agree with the Best Actor win.
Grade: A+  10/10 5/5 stars

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


The usual case with me for sequels is I usually enjoy them more because they don't need to spend as much time developing the characters and can jump right into the action. Not so with this film. I enjoyed "Divergent" more. That's not to say I didn't like this movie, just not as much. I still thought it was great. Some parts were a bit unnecessary and slow, I thought the way they filmed the action sequences was great, though. The ending made me wonder "How are they going to continue this?" and I'm excited to see how, whenever that may be. There was a bit of overacting by Shailene Woodley in this film (her crying felt forced and unrealistic) but the other actors did a great job. It's not the best YA series out there, but it is still enjoyable. I'm excited to see part 3 (and possibly 4).
Grade: B  8/10, 4/5 stars


Despite what most people think this is nothing like "The Hunger Games." Are there similarities? Yes, but there are also similarities to the Giver and I don't hear people calling plagiarism on that. While some of the dialogue is a bit cliche, and it felt like I'd seen some of the movie before, as a whole, I enjoyed it. They could have chosen a better actress for the main character, Tris, because at times it feels like Shailene Woodley is not delivering the dialogue as she should be. Sometimes she sounds bored, and sometimes she overacts, but Kate Winslet portraying the evil leader of their post-apocalyptic world saves it because she's almost as creepy as Donald Sutherland's portrayal of President Snow in the Hunger Games. I enjoyed the subtle bits of humor sprinkled throughout what is otherwise a dark film. The first hour or so was a bit slow, but the third act was great. I was really enthralled by Hans Zimmers' score, and the electronica music inserted here and there, even though it makes no sense to have it there. I have never read the books (and don't plan to because I want to be surprised) but still enjoyed the film. This is one YA novel film adaptation series I hope succeeds.
Grade: B  8/10  4.5/5 stars

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water

I have to admit, I was skeptical when I heard that there was another Spongebob movie coming out, considering that the first movie was supposed to be the series finale, and since the original creator of the show, Stephen Hillenburg left after the first movie, the show had kind of declined in quality. However, Hillenburg is back for this movie, and is returning to the series! It really shows that he has returned, as the movie has plenty of  well-written jokes for everyone. Is it as good as the first movie? No, but it's not the train-wreck I initially thought it was going to be. Also, don't believe the trailers and posters. Only the last half-hour is spent in the "real world" where Spongebob and his friends are CGI. I thought this film was really clever, and was laughing throughout. The one thing that bothers me, is that in the series, when Spongebob and his friends go above water, they are puppets. (Or in Spongebob's case, a real sponge.) They look just like their cartoon selves the whole time in this movie. (Except for Sandy. She's a real squirrel on land.) Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and it reawakened the 7-year-old in me, when the first movie came out. The plot felt a bit rushed, but by the end, I left with a smile on my face.
Grade: A-,  9/10, 4/5 stars