Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Fantastic Four (2015)

Dear Fox,
You've officially proved 3 times now that you can not make a good Fantastic Four movie. Just give the rights to Marvel studios already and let them control it.
How did Josh Trank go from making a great movie like "Chronicle", to making this?  This doesn't even feel like a superhero movie. It's so boring. It's an hour and a half (without credits) and an hour and 15 minutes is spent on the so-called "origin story". By the time the film actually got to the action, the thrill was gone. I was out of it. I didn't care anymore, and just wanted the film to end. They messed up Dr. Doom. When did he have romantic interest in Invisible Woman? Oh, yeah. That's right. Never. And The Thing's motion capture just looks creepy. this movie makes me so angry. The Fantastic Four's powers sure would come in handy in destroying this movie, though. Mr. Fantastic can throw this movie into another dimension, Invisible Woman can make the ashamed filmmakers invisible, and put force fields around them to shield them from the rotten tomatoes I want to throw at them, Human Torch can burn all copies of this movie, and Thing can smash all copies of this movie.  
Grade: F+. 0/10. 0/5 stars

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