Sunday, December 20, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The first line in this movie is "This will begin to make things right." I feel like that's a jab at the prequels. "Hey, we know the prequels were awful, but this new movie will begin to make things right." Probably not intentional, but clever nonetheless. My goodness, this movie is so well done! The parallels and metaphors are so cleverly written. Even if you haven't seen any Star Wars movies before, you can watch this as a standalone. Will you get more out of it if you've seen the original trilogy? Of course. Is it essential viewing before going into this one? No. The plot does at times feel "Been there, seen that," because it is essentially a remake of A New Hope. However, there's enough new bits in the story that left me satisfied. The practical effects are so well done, and the very little CGI in the movie looks more realistic than the prequels ever did. There's an important message in the movie, and the characters are relatable. Unlike some of the characters in the prequels, you care about what happens to these new characters. They're acting is great, and the classic actors still feel like their characters. Harrison Ford is still great with the zingers, and C-3PO is still the worrisome robot we all love. J. J. Abrams has restored what we all love about Star Wars. Even before the classic characters show up, it still feels like a Star Wars movie. If the upcoming films are even 1/4 as good as this was, there's a new hope for the Star Wars franchise.
Grade: A-  9/10 4/5 stars

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