Sunday, December 20, 2015

Top 10 movies of 2015

10. Ant-Man: As silly as I thought this movie was going to be, I still really enjoyed it. Even if the plot was basically the first Iron Man redone, it still had a lot of wit and humor. 

9. Avengers: Age of Ultron:  Even though I felt like I'd seen this before with the first Avengers, I still thought this was fun. James Spader was great as Ultron.

8. Tomorrowland: This was a super fun movie with a great message that was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

7. Star Wars: The Force Awakens:  The plot was basically A New Hope all over again, but it was still fun, and there was enough originality for me to feel like it wasn't a complete remake.

6. The Man From U.N.C.L.E.: This movie was FUN! I enjoyed everything from the acting to the score.

5. Peanuts:  Charles Schultz would be proud of this movie. It feels very true to the comics, and left me with a sense of childhood nostalgia.

4.  The Gallows:  This movie was so creepy. It takes the feeling of being  alone in a dark abandoned building and cranks it up to 1000. It was very well done.

3. Minions:  I didn't think the Minions would be able to carry their own movie since they don't speak English, but surprisingly it works. There was plenty of humor and I loved it.

2: Jurassic World: Chris Pratt was great as always, and the entire movie had a nostalgic feel to it.

And the number 1 movie of 2015 is:

Inside Out: This movie was super original and everyone can relate to it. It's clear a lot of thought (no pun intended) was put into this movie. And the mature feel of this movie makes up for the childish "Cars 2" and "Brave". Pixar feels great again. 

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