Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Gallows

(Disclaimer: I know I say that I never see R rated films. However, the filmmakers go to my church as well, and quite honestly it's a PG-13 film that was very stupidly slapped with an R because the MPAA is dumb.)

This is without a doubt, quite literally, the scariest movie I have ever seen! The Poltergeist remake scared me, but this terrified me. I still have a pit in my stomach, and my heart is still thumping as I type this. A lot of people will write off this film as "bad" simply because it's found footage, without even seeing it. (Looking at you IMDB message board trolls.) This movie proves that found footage is not dead, and can still be scary. The acting is phenomenal (which is a surprise considering this is the first movie for almost all the actors.) It feels incredibly realistic. I was in stagecraft in my high school and this movie is the reason why I will never join that class again. I will also never join drama. Simply because this movie has scared me off those two classes forever. This makes the game "Five Nights at Freddy's" look like "Sesame Street" by comparison. (No offense, Scott Cathon. It's still scary, just not as scary as this.) This is the kind of movie you want to see with your friends in a room with the lights off and locked doors, so there is no escape. Bwahahahaha! I cannot recommend this movie enough. It's quite impressive that it has such a small budget and yet it still feels like a theater-worthy movie. I won't give away the end, but know that it is one of the greatest twist endings I have ever seen! Bravo!

Grade: A+  10/10 5/5 stars

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