Saturday, November 14, 2015


I need to give compliment to the cinematographer, because the first 3 minutes of this movie are one big long pan shot. That's impressive.  I say even if you've never had interest in a James Bond movie before, but you are a fan of BBC's Sherlock (particularly Andrew Scott who plays Moriarty in that series) then see it for his acting, because he is awesome in this movie. Andrew Scott plays villains very well. That's not to say that Daniel Craig does a terrible job of playing Bond. He did a great job with his character as well. He had some witty lines(in fact, most characters did), and the action sequences were well done. Keep in mind the only other James Bond film I've seen is "Skyfall", so my opinion is based only on having seen that one other movie. The main plot didn't really have much, but there was a good food-for-thought subplot about global government surveillance that I thought was interesting. The car chase scenes were a little over-the-top and ridiculous, (There's no way his car should be driving up that curve.) but they were still fun. It's a little hard to keep track of what's going on, because there's lots of characters and subplots that are confusing. Is this one of the best films of 2015? No, but it is enjoyable.
Grade: B   8/10   3.5/5 stars

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