Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top 10 movies of 2013

10. Oz: The Great and Powerful
9. Star Trek: Into Darkness
8. Despicable Me 2
7. Monsters University
6. Iron Man 3
5. Thor 2
4. Turbo
3. Saving Mr. Banks
2. Hunger Games: Catching Fire
1. Pacific Rim

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

While the first one took it's sweet time getting to the story, this just jumps right into the action. But get ready for characters that aren't even in the book, like Legolas. And the motion capture for turning Benedict Cumberbatch into the dragon Smaug is amazing. Peter Jackson knows the right people to do motion capture, as we all know from watching Andy Serkis as Gollum all these years. But really?! 3 hours?! That's stretching it wouldn't you say? Almost as stretched as butter scraped over too much bread.  I didn't see this one in 3D, which is a real shame, because it seems I would have benefited a lot from it. Smaug breathing fire towards the audience would have looked amazing in 3D. Then again, the 3D is HFR, so probably not.
Grade: B   8/10  4/5 stars

Saving Mr. Banks

I definitely think this  is going to be nominated for a few awards this season.  Tom Hanks is the perfect choice for Walt Disney, and Emma Thompson comes off as both snarky and funny at the same time. While at times it is a little dark, it has plenty of humor to make up for it. But considering that both this and Mary Poppins are both Disney I'm not sure we're getting all the facts here. But they really went all out in making everything and everyone look and dress like they were living in the early 60's. If this isn't nominated for at least one award, I've lost faith in the Academy.

Grade: A+    10/10    5/5 stars

Thursday, December 26, 2013

47 Ronin

I saw 3 movies today! Man, I'm sore. Never again. Anyway here's the review.

Oh, trailers, why are you so inaccurate sometimes? The advertising makes this look like a must-see film. It is not. It's just silly.  However, although it is PG-13, it has minimal blood, (only the Ronin writing their names and then giving their thumbs a small cut, then pressing down on their name.)  it's goreless, has no nudity, or profanity. One of the cleanest PG-13 films I've seen in a while. (Along with Saving Mr. Banks which I also saw today)   But "based on a true story" as the ads claim? Highly doubt it. Dragons do not exist. If you're going to claim a film actually happened at least give it some realism. I walked in expecting something awesome, and came out thinking "Not as good as I expected, but just OK. I don't love it, I don't hate it. " I'm going to bed now, I'll post Saving Mr. Banks and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug tomorrow. 
Grade: C-   6/10   2.5/5 stars.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


This movie is proof that just because John Lasseter made it, it doesn't mean it's good. The songs give you a headache and the plot is paint- by-numbers. Every cliche in an animated Disney movie is here. It's a terrible film that should not have been made at all. Ignore Rotten Tomatoes, because this proves they are a poor source for determining good movies.  Disney, no more princess movies ok? They have run their course. Make original films with no cringe-worthy songs. In other words make Wreck-It Ralph 2. Grade: C- 4/10 2/5 stars 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor 3D

(AN: This was a one night only event at select theaters. But you can get the DVD/Blu-Ray on December 10.)
I am a huge Doctor Who fan. I love the Daleks, and David Tennant is the best Doctor.  The pre-show was hilarious as well. The Sontarans have some very funny lines such as "We enjoy your practice of heating up kernals of innocent corn until they pop, and then eating them." People were also cheering at David Tennant. While the beginning is a little like the beginning of the first J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie (Gallilfrey burning=Kirk's planet burning) it has amazing 3D. I felt the Daleks were actually going to exterminate me. As always David Tennant and Matt Smuth have some very funny dialogue, and there's a surprise twist at the end that changes the entire history of Doctor Who forever. It's definetly very well done. Steven Moffat, sir, you are the perfect writer for Doctor Who, and I hope you're still around for the 100th anniversary special of Doctor Who. Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

(Author's note: I won't be doing a book to film comparison like I did with Ender's Game. I read the book, but that was a while ago and I don't feel like going through 300 pages just to point out a few minor changes.) Review: It's much darker than the first film, and the games are more exciting. Some people said the beginning was boring, but that's how the first one was too. I'd rather they have good plot development rather then just rushing to get to the action. It's the character development and dialogue that fuels plot. They chose an actor for Finnick who looked just like his description in the book.  And yes, people  in the Capitol like to dress crazy in this as well. Even though there was little to no humor in the book, the film managed to have some very funny lines. (Mostly from Effie Trinkit and Haymitch) Grade: B   8/10 4.5/5 stars

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Top 10 Christmas Movies

10. A Christmas Story: Ralphie wants a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas but everyone tells him "You'll shoot your eye out." Grade A+ (+++++) (joke to those who have seen it) 10/10 5/5 stars
9. Iron Man 3: ("WHAT?!" you must be thinking. yes this is a christmas movie. it takes place on Christmas.) Review and summary already posted.
8. Elf: An elf finds out he's actually a human. Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars
7. The Nightmare Before Christmas: Review and summary already posted in top 10 halloween films post.
6. A Christmas Carol 2009: Scrooge is visited by 3 ghosts who show him the joy of christmas. Grade B- 7/10 3/5 stars
5. Gremlins: A cute creature called a mogwai makes little mogwais who turn into monsters. Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars
4. The Santa Clause: After Santa dies a man is called to take his place. A+ 10/10 5/5stars
3. Alvin and the Chipmunks: 3 Chipmunks become singers. Grade: B- 7/10 3/5 stars
2. The Polar Express: A boy who doesn't believe in Santa goes on a journey to the North Pole. Grade C- (The characters look really creepy.) 6/10 2.5/5 stars
1. The Nativity Story: The story of the first Christmas. Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

Next post will hopefully be review of The Hunger Games 2: Catching Fire

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thor: The Dark World

While it's not the best of the Marvel movies, it's still pretty fun. Loki has a bigger part and 90% of the movie takes place on Asgard. The sets are just amazing. While the opening sequence and most of the movie feels like Lord of the Rings in both cinematography and plot, that's not necessarily a bad thing.It definitely helps with the mythology elements of the film. There's no slowness in plot, so you won't be bored when watching this movie. And, as always with Marvel films, stay through the credits. There is a scene halfway through, and at the very end. Grade: B    7/10            

3.5/5 stars

Friday, November 8, 2013

Free Birds

I may find myself saying this on this blog a lot, but ignore the trolls on IMDB who say its propaganda or anti-family or against American standards or whatever. What happened to when movies could be movies and not have to worry about being stupidly criticized? Ok, rant over here's the actual review. To everyone who expects this to be like Chicken Run, just forget that film exists before you see this. Erase it from your mind. This is a completely different film. After a turkey named Reggie is kicked out of his farm for warning the turkeys about how dumb they are for accepting corn from the farmer, because he knows what's going to happen on Thanksgiving, he's pardoned by the President of the U.S. (it's not Obama, he actually looks and sounds more like Bill Clinton) he spends his time watching Spanish telenovelas and ordering pizza. But when another turkey, Jake, convinces him to go back in time to the first Thanksgiving to prevent turkeys from becoming the main course, things get turned upside down. See? Completely different from Chicken Run. It's no surprise that Pixar had some involvement in this, although its not technically a Pixar film. By the way, it's not historically accurate (obviously) but the film felt it needed to make that point known at the beginning of the film with a disclaimer that reads: "The events in this film are fictitious. Except for talking turkeys, those are totally real." Along with Doctor Who references, it also manages to poke fun of other time travel films, like Back to the Future. This movie is just absolutely hilarious, but since the people who run the Academy now clearly don't appreciate great films (i.e. Brave winning instead of Wreck-It Ralph for Best Animated Film) this probably won't be nominated for that category. And even if it is, it most likely will not win. They just are biased towards Pixar. Oh, well. Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

Friday, November 1, 2013

Book to film comparison of Enders Game

(WARNING: MAJOR spoilers ahead. DO NOT READ unless you've read the book AND seen the movie. You've been warned!) Things the same: Ender's inner conflict and reaction when he realizes he unknowingly committed genocide. 
Differences: Peter is not as murderous and psychopathic as in the book. An unnecessary scene with Ender and Valentine, that just slows things down and isn't important to the story at all. Ender does not accidentally kill other kids out of anger, just kind of paralyzed them. No mention of Peter and Valentine writing articles that negatively criticize the government. 

Ender's Game

This is one of the best sci-fi movies you'll see this year! Ignore all the trolls on IMDB who are "boycotting" this film because of Orson Scott Card's political views, as the film (and the book it's based on, which I highly recommend) have literally nothing to do with them. If you live near an IMAX you should definitely see it in that format. (It's worth the price despite not being in 3D) The scenes in the Battle Room, the space battles, and every scene on the ship cannot be seen in their entirety without IMAX. (Meaning you don't see the whole set in a regular format. IMAX has wider view.) The battles among the kids are just amazing, the inner conflict with Ender is well written, and the ending has a great message that will unfortunately leave you hanging and waiting for the sequel. Asa Butterfield personally would not have been my choice for Ender, but he did pretty well. And if you think Harisson Ford and Ben Kingsley are too old to act, think again! Now I would compare this with the book but I like to keep these reviews spoiler-free, so if you've read the book read my next post, if you haven't and you read the next post anyway, I warned you. Overall, Ender's Game is just absolutely brilliant filmmaking. Grade: A- 9/10 4/5 stars 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Top 10 non-R rated halloween films

As promised here's my list of the top 10 non R rated Halloween films. (just summaries, not so much reviews)
10. Coraline: A young girl discovers a doorway to another world that's just like her's...but better. However, things are not always as they seem. Now this movie is PG and I recommend it for kids 10 and up, because it is a bit creepy. Grade: A- 9/10 4/5 stars
9. The Nightmare Before Christmas: Every year in Halloweentown is pretty much the same, which is why Jack Skellington decides to no longer be the pumpkin king of Halloween. After he discovers Christmastown he decides to mix Halloween with Christmas and things get really crazy. Rated PG. Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars.
8. Monster House: 3 kids discover the house across the street is possessed and eats anyone and anything that lands on the lawn. Fearing for the lives of the trick-or-treaters that will be coming that night, they decide to destroy the spirit in the house once and for all. Grade: B+ 7/10 3/5 stars
7. Corpse Bride: A man practices his wedding vows and accedentaly ends up married to a zombie. grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars PG
6. Scooby-Doo: Based on the classic cartoon, the Mystery Inc. gang reunites to investigate strange goings-on at a theme park. grade: D-  2/10 1.5/5 stars
5. 9: 9 dolls who are the lone survivors of a war with machines must find out what wiped out mankind. Grade: B- 8/10 3/5 stars PG
4. Hotel Transylvania: An overprotective Dracula builds a hotel to protect his daughter and other monsters from humans. But when a human discovers the hotel and falls in love with Dracula's daughter, Dracula must accept that his little girl is growing up. 9/10 A- 4/5 stars PG
3. Frankenweenie: A boy revives his dead dog, and after it freaks out the neighbors he must convince them that the dog isn't dangerous. 9/10, A- 4/5 stars. PG
2. E.T.: An alien is left behind by his family and develops a special connection with an Earth boy. 10/10 A+ 5/5 stars PG
1. Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit: Wallace and Gromit investigate a giant rabbit that is destroying everyone's veggies. But when the rabbit turns out to be Wallace, what will they do? 9/10 A- 4/5 stars G

The Croods

 This movie was a lot better than I expected. Granted, it's not the best Dreamworks movie, but it's still pretty decent. While at times it does feel like Ice Age 3 and The Flintstones, it still has enough originality to pass as an original screenplay. While it probably won't be nominated for Best Animated Film at the Oscars, it has enough heart to be one of the best animated films of the year. Unlike some dull animated films that have come out this year, like Epic, this actually has a good script, fun humor, and a great lesson at it's core. Grade: B-, 8/10, 3/5 stars.

After Earth

Wow! This movie was just bad! The plot was pretty decent and the visual effects were amazing, but it was the acting that ruined this. If they had cast anyone else other than Will and Jaden Smith this movie would have been so much better. The dialogue is laughable and I was laughing at parts I probably wasn't supposed to. M. Night Shamalyan, if you're reading this, you had a good run with movies like Signs and The Village, but The Last Airbender and this film are just bad! You need to retire and let J.J. Abrams, someone who actually knows how to direct sci-fi movies, take over. And Will Smith, I'm sorry, but you've got to stop focusing on you're children's acting careers. They can't act at all. Plus, you wrote this movie, so if the writers of Predator want to sue for plagiarism they know who to blame. Yeah, this movie is pretty much the same plot as Predator (edited for TV version) Guy (or in this case kid) is trapped on a planet where everything can kill you, and is stalked by an alien that even looks like Predator. Never have I hated a movie so much. You know it's bad when you're rooting for the alien to kill the main characters. I'm usually pretty optimistic when it comes to movies, but there's not a single redeeming quality in this film. Avoid at all costs, unless you feel like punishing yourself. Grade: F+ 0/10 0/5 stars.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

World War Z

Since I'm going in for surgery Monday, and won't be able to see movies or update this blog for a VERY long time, I thought "Might as well go out with a bang." So I saw World War Z. If you're looking for jump scares, there aren't any. But there's still plenty of suspense. It's got great humor, plenty of surprises,and the 12th Doctor. Peter Capaldi, who was recently cast as the 12th incarnation of Doctor Who is in this. Oddly enough he's a W.H.O. Doctor (World Health Organization) coincidence? I think not. The ending did leave me somewhat unsatisfied, because, well, the film doesn't really have one. Oh, well. I guess the sequel will explain. 
Grade: 9/10 A-  4/5 stars

Monday, September 9, 2013


Hey Loyal Fans! Sorry I haven't updated lately, but we're kind of in the "off-season" of movies, so there hasn't really been anything interesting out. Just a quick update, here. I may or may not go in for surgery sometime next week. If i do I will most likely be in there for 1to 3 months. And I won't have the time nor the energy to see or rent movies. But don't worry, as soon as I'm well again I'll be posting reviews of movies that I rent, like After Earth for example which is coming out during that time. I'm looking forward to it. When time and health permits, I'll post a list of the top whatever non-R rated Halloween movies. And then in November-ish, top whatever Christmas movies. Until then, keep visiting and checking for updates.

Friday, August 23, 2013


The title of this movie is somewhat misleading. It should have been called "Average." Looking back, it essentially is "Save the Forest" hippie propaganda. Seriously. It makes The Lorax and Ferngully look subtle. While the animation is beautiful, the plot suffers from the same tired cliches we've seen in almost every animated film the past 2 decades. I was able to predict the ending 20 minuets into the film. The other 70 were just there to see if I was right, which I was. I expected better from the director of Ice Age and Rio. Those were both wonderful. This has the quality of a Dreamworks film, but that's an insult to Dreamworks. Grade: D- 3/10 1/5 stars

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pacific Rim

What happens when you mix Transformers, Avatar and Godzilla? You get Pacific Rim. If you were disappointed by Transformers, this will replace it in your heart. It's everything Transformers should have been. Michael Bay, if you're reading this, have the director of this help you with Transformers 4. You absolutely must see this on the big screen. Don't wait for the DVD/Bluray. It's a BIG movie that absolutely positively MUST be seen in the theater. It's got action, explosions, wit, and is definitely the best movie of summer 2013. My only complaint is it ran a little too long. They could have cut a half hour. Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Last Starfighter

Personally, I thought this movie was kind of dull. Even for 1984 the special effects and CGI were really bad. This movie just feels like a big ripoff of Star Wars and Tron. I thought it could have used more action, less dialogue and better effects. Definitely not worth watching again. If you want to find a way to feel like you're watching a terrible Saturday morning cartoon, or want to punish yourself this is the film for you. Otherwise, stay away from this film at all costs. But, if you want to see what Admiral Ackbar would look like if he had a really terrible accident than you might enjoy this. But the whole movie feels like a big ripoff of Star Wars, Back to the Future, and just about every scifi movie of the 80s. Grade: D-  3/10 2/5 stars

Friday, August 2, 2013

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

I've always loved 80's movies. So when I saw that this was on Netflix I was excited. It's a funny look at how to skip school. (Don't worry, it would never work today) However, when I finished watching this I thought: "This is the basic premise of a typical Phineas and Ferb episode." Kid plans something big. Parents are oblivious. Only sister knows truth. Tries to get brother in trouble. Fails. Evil guy vs. family pet. So yeah, Phineas and Ferb doesn't seem very original now. And this is so much better, anyway. It's got teen hijinks, humor, and is just all-around fun movie for the mid-high school-crowd. Grade: B- (took away points for profanity, and lots of it) 7/10 3.5/5

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Wolverine

Author's Note: I didn't want to see this. I was planning on seeing Pacific Rim, but I went with some other people and they wanted to see this. I thought, "We'll it's violent and gory, but I spent my weekend watching the Dark Knight Trilogy, so nothing can really scar me for life." There WAS some pretty disturbing imagery, but Dark Knight was more disturbing. 

Review: While it's not the best X-Men movie in the franchise, it's certainly better than X-Men Origins: Wolverine. There was one thing I didn't expect though, humor. I thought it was going to be a dark, gritty film. It is, but they still manage to mix humor. It's not enough, though. I thought the first half moved too slowly, and the second half was over too quickly.
There's one action scene in the first half. One! And it's incredibly fast, and hard to see. The second half had a predictable twist, and left you going "Really, I knew this was going to happen 20 minutes in the film!" Basically, Wolverine is a fun thrill-ride, but only if you consider rollercoasters that move at 5mph thrill rides. P.S. As always with Marvel movies, stay until about halfway through the credits. Grade: C-  4/10 2/5 stars

Friday, July 26, 2013


Ok, so this is the last post I'm making today, but not necessarily the last post I'm making until I see another film in theaters. I might review some films I own and/or have recently rented. That being said here's my review.

Turbo is basically Fast and Furious for kids, with a little bit of Ratatouille, and Cars thrown into the mix. If you liked any or all of these films, there's a good chance you'll like this. It's the best Dreamworks film since Madagascar 3. (I didn't particularly like Rise of the Guardians, and I haven't seen The Croods yet, but I might rent it when it comes out.) If you like underdog (or in this case undersnail) stories, fun action, and bright colors, in addition to electronica music AND tacos, this is the movie for you. I loved this film so much, I'm wishing December would hurry up and get here, so Netflix will put the tv show of this on. That's right. The first Netflix original series for kids, Turbo F.A.S.T. (Fast Action Stunt Team) will premiere in December along with over 500 hours of kids programming made by Dreamworks in the coming years. If its anything like the movie, it's enough incentive to keep my Netflix subscription, and just hope December comes soon, so I don't have to go by page after page of knockoff movies. (Chop Kick Panda, for example) LOVED THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars. Just be prepared for a catchy electronica song about halfway through the movie to get stuck in your head all day. 

Despicable Me 2

While this is much better and funnier than  the first film, I felt it overused the Minions. What made the first film so great, was they used the Minions sparingly. This one feels more like the Minions are the stars rather than Gru and his daughters. That being said, though, I'm still looking forward to the Minions movie next year. (Speaking of which, stay during the entire first half of the credits for a little teaser of that movie.) I felt this one had a stronger villain than the first one, better jokes, and just the right amount of silliness to make this one of the best animated films of the year. It has given me a fear of chickens though. Plus, it was written by two LDS screenwriters, and has a great Christian-based theme. (I can't say what it is without spoiling the ending, though) Basically, this movie will leave you feeling happy. Grade: A-  9/10 4/5 stars

Monsters University

When Pixar announced that they were making another Monsters Inc. I was so excited. A few months later, they said it would be a prequel telling the story of how Mike and Sulley went from enemies to friends, and my hopes fell. I mean, we see that they're friends, and have been for a long time, so can we just have a sequel where maybe they need Boo's help? We want more Boo! Then the trailers came out and my hopes were restored. "This could actually be really good," I thought. I decided to give it a chance and I'm glad I did! It's funny, creepy, and has a lot of heart, and references to the original movie are abundant. (And yes, despite this being a prequel they did manage to have John Ratsenburger as The Abominable Snowman. Don't get too excited, though. He only has one line, but it's a funny line.)
Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

Man of Steel

While it's a great improvement over Stupidman (er, Superman) Returns, Man of Steel is not without flaws of its own. For one, the climax had too much building smashing. Who does Superman think he is, the Hulk? And another thing, it's not shown that Superman has weaknesses. No Kryptonite in sight. So that's a big problem when you have Superman, who is practically immortal, vs. General Zod who is also practically immortal. The ending is like watching a game of Chess that you know is going to end in a stalemate. Luckily it doesn't, but I'm not saying how. Plus, it feels like, to quote Journey "the movie never ends, it goes on and on and on and on." Don't get me wrong I thought this was great! For one, much better writing than Superman Returns. Another thing, it feels darker than a Superman movie normally is, which isn't surprising considering Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy) was the producer. That's a great improvement over the other films, which, compared to this feel silly. And Bonus: In 2015 when Man of Steel 2 comes out, Superman AND Batman FINALLY come together on the big screen! I'm really looking forward to that! Grade: B-              
8/10 3/5 stars

Star Trek Into Darkness

I went into this film knowing very little about the Star Trek universe. I'm more of a Star Wars fan. But after hearing some very favorable reviews I decided to rent the first one. I thought it was pretty good, but when I saw the trailers for Into Darkness, I thought "This looks amazing! I should go see it." I have to say, it was a lot better than I expected. I caught some of the references to Tribbles and the Wrath of Khan movie, which I hadn't seen but had heard the infamous "KHAAAAAN!" scream enough to get the reference in this film. (I've seen Wrath of Khan now, thanks to the miracle of Netflix.) Plus, one of my friends is a HUGE Trekkie, so I was able to follow the plot pretty well. This is one of J.J. Abrams's best films. I can't wait to see what he does when he directs Star Wars 7! Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars 

Iron Man 3 Review

DISCLAIMER: This is my first review. So it may not be as great as future ones.

When it was announced in 2009 that Disney had acquired Marvel for $4 billion
I thought "Wow! Did they really need to, though?" Well, when The Avengers came out as the first Marvel film distributed by Disney, I was blown away! I thought, "Wow! I can't wait to see what they do with Iron Man 3 next year." Fast forward to May 3, 2013. I'm in a sold out show of Iron Man 3, and I'm giddier than a nerd at Comic-con. (Compliment, because I consider myself a nerd too. So no offense meant fellow nerds.) What's the first thing I hear when the movie starts?A voice over  narration by Tony Stark himself. Then something amazing happens. As the opening credits roll, I hear Eiffel 65's "I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)."
I have to cover my mouth to keep from cheering. Then it's awesome action scene after awesome action scene. I leave the theater so excited I can't sleep that night. And yes, I did see the scene after the credits, because, to misquote a famous Lord of the Rings character "One does not simply leave a Marvel movie before the end of the credits." (Tell that to half my theater though.) The basic plot of the film is this. Tony Stark needs to figure out how to balance out his life as Iron Man, and spending time with Pepper, while defeating the new menace called The Mandarin. I think Robert Downey Jr. was absolutely brilliant in this, but man that precocious ten year old kid whose name I forget, really stole the show. And now I hear he's signed on for 3 more Marvel movies, which he hasn't revealed yet. Awesome! 
Iron Man 3: Grade: A-
4/5 stars

What I've seen so far( and want to see)

Movies I've seen so far  are:
Iron Man 3
Star Trek: Into Darkness
Man of Steel
Monsters University
Despicable Me 2
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The Last Starfighter
Ender's Game 
Free Birds
Thor 2: The Dark World
The Hunger Games 2: Catching Fire

The Hobbit 2: The Desolation of Smaug
Saving Mr. Banks
After Earth
World War Z
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2
The Lego Movie
Muppets Most Wanted
Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier
Rio 2
Amazing Spider-Man 2
X-men: Days of Future Past

Movies I plan on seeing if Mormon Standards stand:

In 2014:
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
How To Train Your Dragon 2
Guardians of The Galaxy
The Giver
The Maze Runner
Big Hero 6
The Hunger Games 3: Mockingjay part 1
The Hobbit 3: Battle of the Five Armies
Night at the Museum 3
Penguins of Madagascar 

Jurassic World
The Fantastic Four (reboot)
The Avengers 2
Hotel Transylvania 2
Peanuts (yes, Charlie Brown peanuts)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 2
Star Wars 7

Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn Of Justice
Captain America 3
X-Men: Apocolypse
Angry Birds
Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
Kung Fu Panda 3
Tintin 2
Amazing Spider-Man 3
Finding Dory

The Wolverine 2
The Lego Movie 2
The Croods 2
Despicable Me 3
The Grinch

Amazing Spider-Man 4

There is a bit of a gap in some of these, simply because movies that also look great don't have release dates yet. As soon as more dates become available, I will add them.

Before You Start Reading: Things You Need To Know

Some Basic Rules
1. Keep language in comments CLEAN! No profanity, crude language or anything considered offensive. You will be banned if you ignore this rule.
2. I will NOT review every movie that comes out. While I do see a majority of them, I always do the content research beforehand. As a member of The Church  of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (also called LDS or "Mormons") I will NOT see anything R-rated or above, and even some PG and PG-13. For example, I was planning on seeing The Wolverine today, but after doing some digging about the content I decided for myself that it was too gory and violent. In fact, most people said a PG-13 was too generous and should have received an R. So that's out of the question. 
3. No being a Grammar Nazi. This includes correcting people's spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Again, Grammar Nazi-ing will get you banned, no warnings.