Saturday, September 14, 2013

World War Z

Since I'm going in for surgery Monday, and won't be able to see movies or update this blog for a VERY long time, I thought "Might as well go out with a bang." So I saw World War Z. If you're looking for jump scares, there aren't any. But there's still plenty of suspense. It's got great humor, plenty of surprises,and the 12th Doctor. Peter Capaldi, who was recently cast as the 12th incarnation of Doctor Who is in this. Oddly enough he's a W.H.O. Doctor (World Health Organization) coincidence? I think not. The ending did leave me somewhat unsatisfied, because, well, the film doesn't really have one. Oh, well. I guess the sequel will explain. 
Grade: 9/10 A-  4/5 stars

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