Saturday, October 12, 2013

After Earth

Wow! This movie was just bad! The plot was pretty decent and the visual effects were amazing, but it was the acting that ruined this. If they had cast anyone else other than Will and Jaden Smith this movie would have been so much better. The dialogue is laughable and I was laughing at parts I probably wasn't supposed to. M. Night Shamalyan, if you're reading this, you had a good run with movies like Signs and The Village, but The Last Airbender and this film are just bad! You need to retire and let J.J. Abrams, someone who actually knows how to direct sci-fi movies, take over. And Will Smith, I'm sorry, but you've got to stop focusing on you're children's acting careers. They can't act at all. Plus, you wrote this movie, so if the writers of Predator want to sue for plagiarism they know who to blame. Yeah, this movie is pretty much the same plot as Predator (edited for TV version) Guy (or in this case kid) is trapped on a planet where everything can kill you, and is stalked by an alien that even looks like Predator. Never have I hated a movie so much. You know it's bad when you're rooting for the alien to kill the main characters. I'm usually pretty optimistic when it comes to movies, but there's not a single redeeming quality in this film. Avoid at all costs, unless you feel like punishing yourself. Grade: F+ 0/10 0/5 stars.

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