Friday, July 26, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

I went into this film knowing very little about the Star Trek universe. I'm more of a Star Wars fan. But after hearing some very favorable reviews I decided to rent the first one. I thought it was pretty good, but when I saw the trailers for Into Darkness, I thought "This looks amazing! I should go see it." I have to say, it was a lot better than I expected. I caught some of the references to Tribbles and the Wrath of Khan movie, which I hadn't seen but had heard the infamous "KHAAAAAN!" scream enough to get the reference in this film. (I've seen Wrath of Khan now, thanks to the miracle of Netflix.) Plus, one of my friends is a HUGE Trekkie, so I was able to follow the plot pretty well. This is one of J.J. Abrams's best films. I can't wait to see what he does when he directs Star Wars 7! Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars 

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