Friday, July 26, 2013

Man of Steel

While it's a great improvement over Stupidman (er, Superman) Returns, Man of Steel is not without flaws of its own. For one, the climax had too much building smashing. Who does Superman think he is, the Hulk? And another thing, it's not shown that Superman has weaknesses. No Kryptonite in sight. So that's a big problem when you have Superman, who is practically immortal, vs. General Zod who is also practically immortal. The ending is like watching a game of Chess that you know is going to end in a stalemate. Luckily it doesn't, but I'm not saying how. Plus, it feels like, to quote Journey "the movie never ends, it goes on and on and on and on." Don't get me wrong I thought this was great! For one, much better writing than Superman Returns. Another thing, it feels darker than a Superman movie normally is, which isn't surprising considering Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy) was the producer. That's a great improvement over the other films, which, compared to this feel silly. And Bonus: In 2015 when Man of Steel 2 comes out, Superman AND Batman FINALLY come together on the big screen! I'm really looking forward to that! Grade: B-              
8/10 3/5 stars

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