Friday, July 26, 2013

Monsters University

When Pixar announced that they were making another Monsters Inc. I was so excited. A few months later, they said it would be a prequel telling the story of how Mike and Sulley went from enemies to friends, and my hopes fell. I mean, we see that they're friends, and have been for a long time, so can we just have a sequel where maybe they need Boo's help? We want more Boo! Then the trailers came out and my hopes were restored. "This could actually be really good," I thought. I decided to give it a chance and I'm glad I did! It's funny, creepy, and has a lot of heart, and references to the original movie are abundant. (And yes, despite this being a prequel they did manage to have John Ratsenburger as The Abominable Snowman. Don't get too excited, though. He only has one line, but it's a funny line.)
Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

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