Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Wolverine

Author's Note: I didn't want to see this. I was planning on seeing Pacific Rim, but I went with some other people and they wanted to see this. I thought, "We'll it's violent and gory, but I spent my weekend watching the Dark Knight Trilogy, so nothing can really scar me for life." There WAS some pretty disturbing imagery, but Dark Knight was more disturbing. 

Review: While it's not the best X-Men movie in the franchise, it's certainly better than X-Men Origins: Wolverine. There was one thing I didn't expect though, humor. I thought it was going to be a dark, gritty film. It is, but they still manage to mix humor. It's not enough, though. I thought the first half moved too slowly, and the second half was over too quickly.
There's one action scene in the first half. One! And it's incredibly fast, and hard to see. The second half had a predictable twist, and left you going "Really, I knew this was going to happen 20 minutes in the film!" Basically, Wolverine is a fun thrill-ride, but only if you consider rollercoasters that move at 5mph thrill rides. P.S. As always with Marvel movies, stay until about halfway through the credits. Grade: C-  4/10 2/5 stars

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