Friday, August 2, 2013

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

I've always loved 80's movies. So when I saw that this was on Netflix I was excited. It's a funny look at how to skip school. (Don't worry, it would never work today) However, when I finished watching this I thought: "This is the basic premise of a typical Phineas and Ferb episode." Kid plans something big. Parents are oblivious. Only sister knows truth. Tries to get brother in trouble. Fails. Evil guy vs. family pet. So yeah, Phineas and Ferb doesn't seem very original now. And this is so much better, anyway. It's got teen hijinks, humor, and is just all-around fun movie for the mid-high school-crowd. Grade: B- (took away points for profanity, and lots of it) 7/10 3.5/5

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