Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Last Starfighter

Personally, I thought this movie was kind of dull. Even for 1984 the special effects and CGI were really bad. This movie just feels like a big ripoff of Star Wars and Tron. I thought it could have used more action, less dialogue and better effects. Definitely not worth watching again. If you want to find a way to feel like you're watching a terrible Saturday morning cartoon, or want to punish yourself this is the film for you. Otherwise, stay away from this film at all costs. But, if you want to see what Admiral Ackbar would look like if he had a really terrible accident than you might enjoy this. But the whole movie feels like a big ripoff of Star Wars, Back to the Future, and just about every scifi movie of the 80s. Grade: D-  3/10 2/5 stars

1 comment:

  1. You were cheering at the end of it my boy...and hey, don't disrespect the classics...(of course I tend to agree with you, it is a pretty lame movie overall)
