Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A New Direction for 2018

I don't want to wait until late January/early Febuary to do reviews of Maze Runner 3 and Black Panther, because they are weeks away and I don't want interest in my blog to fade due to lack of activity. So, I'm going against the norm. I'm going to start reviewing older films that I haven't seen. I will take inspiration from Doug Walker aka Nostalgia Critic on Youtube and try to review whatever movie he's reviewing. He's putting out his review of Mars Attacks today, but I'm going to have to hold off until I've seen/reviewed it for myself. The website says that next week he'll be reviewing the old Tomb Raider movie next week in preperation for the remake coming out in March. I have placed these films in my Netflix queue and they should be here this weekend. Keep an eye out for those reviews sometime this weekend/early next week. Hopefully, this will keep my blog alive in the "slow months" until March when almost every week has a big release. I may not review every movie Doug reviews, but I will try to cover as many as possible. This will be a fun, new experience reviewing older films I haven't seen. I did this once or twice back in 2013 when I started the blog, but those posts didn't generate as much activity,so I stopped. I'm going to get back at it and start reviewing more "retro/vintage/classic" films.
My guidelines for this are as follows:
I can not have already seen the movie (meaning I have to review movies I've never seen. I can't review films I own.)
With very few exceptions, my reviews will not be of R rated films. 
Other than that, anything goes. Feel free to share your recommendations and I'll take a look at them if I haven't already seen it.
As always, you can also follow this blog's Facebook for the latest news/trailers. 


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