Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Maze Runner: The Death Cure

I read the books, so I knew what to expect with this one. To be honest, I thought the book was lazy, so I expected the movie to be about the same. It wasn't. It was great! The opening scene alone was one of the best parts of this movie. It really does not slow down. It's intense action, and thrills! There were times where I was on the edge of my seat and felt my stomach drop. (I saw this in my local equivalent of an IMAX, so the screen was bigger than normal, so that may have had something to do with it.) Certain scenes drag out the inevitable "boo!" quite effectively. I very rarely jump at jumpscares anymore because they've become cliche, but there was one that actually made me jump. Sometimes the plot was a little too convenient and a little redundant. It seems like the goal has been met, but then the characters need to reach that same goal again. They end up in danger, get deus ex machina-ed,  end up in danger again, get deus ex machina-ed, repeat for whole movie. It could have used more variety in the plot, but that's more-or-less how the book was, so I can't blame that too hard. Aidan Gillen does a great job as the villain. He's chilling, yet you like him for his charisma.  There were twists and emotional moments that actually made me cry. Bring tissues, because you will cry at the end. (If you read the book, you know what I'm talking about). I'm sad to see this series end, but have enjoyed the journey since the very first one. It's a bittersweet ending, that's still very satisfying. It's the finale this trilogy deserves.
Grade: A-   9/10   4/5 stars

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