Friday, January 5, 2018

Brigsby Bear

I have to give credit to the filmmakers. It's nice to see a film with an original story. It's very refreshing. The story was unique, and there was this kind of sweetness to it. The main character had a genuine innocence to him, and his personality was so great! I enjoyed Mark Hamill's (albeit brief) performance as the villain, although I wish he would experiment with different voices when he plays villains, because no matter what, I always hear Joker. He did have an entertaining performance, though, despite being in the film for 10 minutes at the most. This film was inspiring to me as a hopeful filmmaker. This film shows that you don't need fancy effects or lots of money, or even big stars. You just need a good story, and a passion for what you are doing. Just like the film itself. I enjoyed the main character's passion for his "fandom." I related to being the only person who watches something, and people looking at me like I have two heads when I talk to them about it, and also eventually getting them into the fandom as well. This happens to a lot of people, and I think almost anybody could relate to this story. I really hope this is eligible for Academy Award nominations or at the very least some film festival nominations. It certainly deserves them. It was a weird movie, but it was endearingly weird, and I finished it with a big smile on my face! This is the perfect film for budding filmmakers, or anybody passionate about fandom.
Grade: A-   9/10   4/5 stars

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