Friday, January 5, 2018

Mars Attacks!

For people who don't like this film because it's "too corny", they are missing the point. It's supposed to be corny. There's movies that are bad in the sense that there was no thought or effort into them, and there are movies that are intentionally bad, meaning the style is supposed to be all in good fun. This is the latter. Even for a movie that's "intentionally bad", it's still pretty good. I was laughing the whole time. There were a few plot holes here and there, and things that seemed like they were setting up for a payoff, but never did. Despite these problems, I still enjoyed myself. The Martians' design and language were unique, the story was enjoyable, and the actors seemed like they enjoyed themselves. The score was also really good. I may go back and listen to the soundtrack with how epic the score was. Honestly, the score had more effort put into it than there needed to be. The ending was a bit silly and just felt like "We need to end this, so let's end it as soon as possible" and was honestly a bit of a cop out. There are some questions I still have about things left unexplained. Even with these factors, it's still worth a watch just for a fun time. See it and enjoy yourself.
Grade: B    8/10     3.5/5 stars

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