Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Top 10 films of 2017

This list gets harder to make every year. I had to eliminate some films that deserved to be on this list like "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword" but in the end their can only be 10. It doesn't mean I don't like only these 10 films. Plenty of fantastic films that I'm sure will even win Oscars had to go, simply because there was not enough room.

10. Kong: Skull Island: I thought this was fantastic! It wasn't just a simple monster movie, it was quite complex. Had a great cast, a great plot, and got me pumped for "Kong vs. Godzilla" in 2020.

9. Split: James McAvoy deserves an Oscar for this film. I was skeptical given M. Night Shyamalan's recent track record and the fact that this opened in early January, which is usually a bad sign. I was pleasantly surprised.

8.  My Little Pony: The Movie: This felt like a Disney Renaissance film, had a great cast, and great songs.

7.  Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Didn't take itself too seriously, and was just an all around fun film.

6. Spider-Man: Homecoming: Felt like classic Spider-Man while also bringing something new and a fresh new actor, who in my opinion is the best Spider-Man yet.

5. Wonder Woman: Had a great story, subtle humor, great action sequences, and finally shut the whiney DC fanboys up.

4. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets: Felt like watching a classic sci-fi, and I could tell Star Wars took a lot of inspiration from the source material. It was fun, had some nice visuals and I actually saw this movie in theaters twice!

3. The Lego Batman Movie: My face hurt from laughing at this movie so much. It's a fantastic film that I never get tired of, and actually find something new every time I watch it. Perfect film for all ages.

2. Coco: This had an important story, an important message, eye-grabbing visuals and was a welcome return to Pixar's roots of making stories with a message and heart instead of cashgrab sequels.

And the number 1 movie of 2017 is.....

1. Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Come on, don't act like you're surprised. You had to know this would be the number 1 spot. I know a lot of fans are divided on this film, and if you're in the camp that doesn't like it, you're probably telling yourself "This blogger is a moron. I'm never reading his reviews again!" and that's perfectly fine if you feel that way. I, however, thought this was a phenomenal movie. It was different enough but still felt like Star Wars. Had great twists that I didn't see coming and replaced "Empire Strikes Back" as my favorite Star Wars movie. (Sue me.)

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