Friday, December 15, 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

I'm still reeling and processing what it is that I just watched! Holy cow this movie was intense! It challenges what we thought a Star Wars movie could be. It takes the franchise and shakes it up to new levels of writing and intensity we never thought possible! As a huge Star Wars fan, I've tried my hand at writing fan fiction and I could not have written anything better. The first 5 minutes alone are some of the best in the franchise. I have never laughed so hard during a Star Wars movie than I did in the first 5 minutes. The dialogue is riveting, the plot twists are insane, and the characters, both old and new have definitely developed a lot more. There's a reason Lucasfilm gave the director of this film, Rian Johnson, 3 more Star Wars films to direct after episode 9 comes out. It is certainly well deserved. The film is like a rollercoaster that flips you upside down, backwards, zigzags and jsut when you think you're done, throws you for a loop one last time. Rian Johnson has definitely earned his place among the great Star Wars storytellers, and deservedly so. It's got everything I want in a Star Wars movie, and more. Heart, humor, edge-of-your-seat thrills, emotional moments that made me cry, and just a touch of nostalgia.  Johnson has done what we never thought would be possible. He dethroned "Empire Strikes Back" as the best Star Wars movie! There was nothing about this movie that I did not like. It was perfect! The Force is definitely strong with this one.
Grade: A+     10/10     5/5 stars

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