Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Greatest Showman


This movie was fantastic! The attention to detail for the time period in which it is set was impressive! The opening logo/credits are in the style of how they were in the 40's. This was a nice little touch that enhanced the film, and it wasn't even a full minute in yet. From that moment, I was pulled into the movie and didn't come back out until the end credits were over. Everything from the costumes, to the acting, to the sets is impressive! One of my complaints was the music seemed too modern for a film set in the 1940s. I would have preferred if they had been more true to the style of the music from that time, and also some parts were very obviously autotuned. The narrative also seemed to be all over the place at points. One of the subplots is started early in the film, and it's not even acknowledged again until the last 20-30. I actually forgot it was a subplot. I did enjoy the musical sequences. Even the slow ones were great because the singing was so impressive. (Except for the occasional "autotune" at some points.) This felt like a Baz Luhrmann film, and I mean that as a compliment. It even made me like Zendaya. I did not care for her work on the Disney Channel or Spider-Man: Homecoming earlier this year, but she was good in this. The character felt genuine, and that she was actually trying as opposed to her earlier mentioned works where her performance felt phoned in and canned. I was impressed that Zac Efron was able to still sing well, considering he hasn't been in any musicals that I know of since 2008's "High School Musical 3: Senior Year" which was almost 10 years ago now. I smiled throughout nearly the whole thing, and was intrigued by the story. I definitely enjoyed myself at this one. 
Grade: B     8/10     4/5 stars

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