Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Top 10 Films of 2014

10. Interstellar: This is a Christopher Nolan film. How could it not be on here? It's such a deep movie that has to be viewed multiple times.
9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier: It didn't really feel like a superhero movie. It was a little bit of everything.
8. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1: Just the scene with the Hanging Tree song alone was powerful enough for it to make the list.
7. Edge of Tomorrow: It was very clever and original. It had a surprising twist, and I enjoyed it.
6. Non-Stop; This film kept me engaged until the end. The whole time I was guessing who the culprit might be. It was a game of Mafia (AKA Murder in the Dark) set on an airplane and that felt very fresh.
5. Muppets Most Wanted: This was clever, funny, and original. Jim Henson would be proud.
4. The Imitation Game: Benedict Cumberbatch's performance in this is definately Oscar-worthy.
3. Penguins of Madagascar: This was so well written. I enjoyed the puns on actors' names. (Nicholas, cage them!) So clever.
2. Big Hero 6: This is right up there with the other Disney movies "Meet the Robinsons" and "Bolt." It's funny, emotional, and original.
And the winner is..... 
1. The Lego Movie: I enjoyed the satire on pop-culture, the references to other movies, and the exaggerated personalities of DC characters.

I would also like to say a fond farewell to Jeff Vice former movie critic of the Deseret News, who sadly passed away of heart failure on May 29, 2014. He is the one who inspired me to become a movie critic in the first place, so technically without him this blog would not exist. You will be missed.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Imitation Game

Dear Academy: If you don't nominate Benedict Cumberbatch for Best Actor, then change whoever votes on these things because they clearly don't know what they're doing. This is one of the best films of the year. It's very well done. Benedict Cumberbatch, as always, does a fantastic job. It's a very thought-provoking movie that I highly recommend    to everyone. You really need to pay attention throughout the movie, or you'll miss some very important elements that contribute to the plot. It's got just the right mix of drama and humor, and is a great way to learn a little something about history, too.  This needs to be shown in high school history classes. It's one of the most important, if not the most important movie you will see this year. If you can only see one movie this year, see this one.
Grade: A+  10/10  5/5 stars

Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb

I wasn't expecting this film to be as good as it was. I only saw it because it's Robin Williams' last film. Surprisingly, it didn't feel like a re-hash and was actually funny. It's one of the funniest films this year. Everyone does such a great job. It's a bittersweet end to both the Night at the Museum films and Robin Williams' films. This is a fun movie and its so clever. Hopefully there will be a box set of all three films released so I can watch them back-to-back. I cried because the end is so bittersweet. It's a terrific send-off to the late, great Robin Williams. You will be missed. 
Grade: B.  8/10. 3.5/5 stars

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

There should be an asterisk in the credits after it says "Based on the book by J.R.R. Tolkien" that says *loosely. The only parts that were in the book was the first 5 minutes. After that it went in an entirely different direction and did its own thing. I'm kind of sad that the world of Middle Earth is finished. After "Hunger Games" ends next year, what other book franchises will there be left to adapt other than "Maze Runner"? Nothing. It will force Hollywood to think of original ideas for once. Which I guess is a good thing, but at the same time I'm going to miss anticipating these movies and seeing them in a theater with like-minded fans. It's an emotional end to The Hobbit and the world of Middle-Earth and I'm sad to let it go. It's perfect in every way. 
Grade: A+  10/10 5/5 stars 

Into The Woods

I don't normally watch musicals, but the fact that so many A-list actors like Chris Pine and Meryl Streep are in this was enough to convince me to see it. It's such a great movie! The songs are a bit over-the-top at times but that's the point. And it's quite funny. I enjoyed the acting and unlike "Annie," everyone in this can actually sing. I was not aware Johnny Depp could sing. The film can get a bit cheesy but that's the point. Broadway is always cheesy. The film is also surprisingly dark. It's based on the original Grimm Brothers fairy tales and not the sugar-coated sweet Disney versions. (Yay!) The whole film is fun and has something for everyone to enjoy.
Grade: A-,  9/10, 4/5 stars

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Annie (2014)

This isn't the pop-culture travesty many people fear it to be. I enjoyed it very much. The only complaint is that Cameron Diaz can not sing. I ask you, Mr. Director, why would you cast someone in a musical if they have no singing ability? Everyone else has incredible singing chops, though. The film is surprisingly watchable and is an example of a remake done (mostly) right. They could have cut a very slow, boring song about an hour in the film, but I guess all musicals need at least one so it gives the audience a chance to get concession refills. While it has been updated to be modern-day instead of Depression-era like the original, that's not a bad thing. No kid would want to see a movie about the Great Depression anyway. I did have one problem with this movie though. Apparently they name Annie's dog Sandy because he/she (I don't know the dog's gender; its never mentioned) has a lot of energy like a hurricane. Too soon, guys. Too soon.
Grade: B. 7/10 3/5 stars

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Penguins of Madagascar

Although the film wasn't really needed, it is absolutely brilliant. Benedict Cumberbatch is the best part of this movie. His acting is brilliant as always. I wouldn't mind seeing a spin-off about the origins of the North Wind, the spy agency that his character runs. It would be awesome. I was a bit hesitant that this would kill the Madagascar franchise like Shrek Forever After killed the Shrek franchise but I gave it a chance and it was great. Sorry, Pixar but I think Dreamworks will eventually knock you off the top spot as the best animation studio. I loved everything about this movie. It's perfect. 
Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 1

    Bravo! This is the best film in the series so far! Everyone gives an amazing performance and there's not a single actor or actress in this film I felt should have been recast. The only problem I had in this film was the CGI. It didn't look realistic. It looked like the cutscene to a Playstation 1 game. The great thing about this film is it doesn't feel rushed. It takes it's sweet time in getting to the story, and that is cruical when the story is so big and needs a lot of character development. Why must I wait a year for part 2?! Why can't they just release it a month after the Blu-ray comes out? The Hunger Games movies just keep getting better and better. I'm excited to see how they handle part 2, and I'm highly confident it will be handled with care.
Grade: A-, 9/10, 4/5 stars

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


If this film isn't nominated for some awards at the Oscars, there's something wrong with the Academy. This is one of the best films of 2014, and it definitely deserves more than 73% fresh. That's too low of a score. I'd say it's more around the 90-95% range. It's an absolutely amazing film. Pardon the pun, but I'd even go so far as to say this movie is...wait for it...stellar. This is what "Gravity" should have been. It's a very thought provoking film and needs to be at least nominated for "Best Picture" at the Academy Awards. There are some issues with sound mixing where the sound muffles the dialogue sometimes, but according to Christopher Nolan, this was intentional. Don't wait for Blu-ray. See it while it's still in theaters! Your stomach will rumble when the ships take off, and you will be amazed at the visual effects. This film has plenty of heart, humor, and an intriguing plot that will make you forget it has a 3-hour runtime. It feels more like 2 hours.
Grade: A+  10/10, 5/5 stars.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Big Hero 6

   Finally! A movie I will agree with the Academy on, if it wins Best Animated Feature. This movie is definitely up there with "Bolt" and "Wreck-it Ralph." It's got an "Incredibles" feel to it, and is one of the best movies to come out in 2014. I absolutely loved it, and now I forgive Disney for making the atrocity that was "Frozen." This is seriously one of the best, if not THE best, Disney movie ever. This is one of the very few times I agree with Rotten Tomatoes. It holds a 90% "fresh" rating, and I think that that is an accurate rating. (It should have been 100%, though. Who are these critics who caused it to be less than 100%? They need to see it again.) I will definitely see this again when it hits our discount theater, and then buy it on Blu-ray the day it comes out. This was apparently based on a Marvel comic, and I wish this movie great success, and hope this will convince Disney and Marvel to open the floodgates for more lesser-known Marvel properties. Baymax: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this film? The answer is 10.
Grade: A+, 10/10, 5/5 stars

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Disney really needs some new ideas. Making a prequel to a movie that's 50 years old is never a good idea. Didn't they learn that from their direct-to-video sequels? I thought the film was Disney trying to make their own version of "Wicked." However, they failed miserably. It felt clichè and Angelina Jolie's acting was too over-the-top. I didn't like that.the premise was "the villian isn't evil, just misunderstood." Like I said earlier, Disney copying "Wicked." Have you no sense of originality anymore? Every movie now from them is a sequel, prequel, or based on something. I'm sick of fairy tale films. Please stop, for the sake of Hollywood's sanity.
Grade: C+ 6/10 2/5 stars

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Maze Runner

The great thing is that from the very first frame of the movie, you're sucked in.   For the most part the cast of The Maze Runner is full of unknowns. I see a great career in every actor in this film. Everyone had chemistry and I loved how this felt like the filmmakers actually read the book. I'm hoping this becomes a trend with book to film adaptations. The only thing I didn't like, was some important details in the book being left out. The films premise is "Lord of the Flies" meets "Lost." Despite the 2 hour run time, it feels much shorter; but that's because it's an exciting thrill ride from beginning to end. . 
Grade: A-  9/10 4/5 stars

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Edge of Tomorrow

I didn't really expect much from this movie. The trailers made me think "Oh, it's just Tom Cruise playing the same character over and over." However, after giving this film a chance, I'm glad I saw it. While it felt a bit redundant at times (But I guess that's the point) and started off a bit slow, by the end I was enchanted. This is one movie Hollywood should NOT make a sequel to because this movie would be instantly tainted. This is not your typical sci-fi movie and is actually quite original. It's interesting to see how just one choice can cause a different outcome then a different choice. My one complaint was it wrapped everything up vaguely and too quickly. It feels like there's no ending. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not to keep the main idea of the movie but it felt rushed to me. I did enjoy the strategy concept of this film, and how it felt like it was poking fun at regenerating every time you die in a video game and have to watch the same cutscene every time. I'm pretty sure this was unintentional, but it was genius. I enjoyed this film and it's quite a shame it's considered a box-office flop.
Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

Transformers: Age of Extinction

This is, yet again, another time when I disagree with Rotten Tomatoes. This movie is AWESOME!!!! Just forget the previous 3 films happened. This is both a sequel and a reboot. Only this time, the movie works. I think Micheal Bay is learning from his mistakes. Although this film is not without flaws of its own, it's not a pop culture travesty like "Transformers 2 and 3" were. The plot is original, (well, as original as you can get when the movie is about robots fighting each other and also based on a property that's existed for 30 years), the dialogue is humorous intentionally, and the soundtrack by Imagine Dragons makes this film even better than I expected. However, the film overuses slow-motion shots. I don't mind if it's used once or twice, but not during every fight scene. Contrary to popular belief slow motion does not make everything look cooler, It can, if used sparingly and correctly, but not like how it's used here. I felt like this film focused to much on the human characters. The movie is called "Transformers," not "Humans." If some of the unneccesary scenes, such a one of the characters drinking milk on the roof for 5 minutes (I'm not kidding, this is a legitimate scene. Seriously.) and had used that time to show what we came to see, robots beating each other up, the film could have been a bit better.
Grade: C    7/10 3/5 stars

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Giver

I'm pleasantly surprised that Hollywood chose to respect the source material instead of butchering it to the point where it's virtually unrecognizable as the same story. Jeff Bridges is the perfect choice to play The Giver! (In fact, when I read the book, I pictured him as Jeff Bridges. Apparently great minds think alike.) While it doesn't have nearly as much meat to the story as the book did it still gets the point of the story across. 1 hour and 30 minutes was a much shorter runtime than it should have been. They should have added at least another hour, and given more detail about the society in which the characters live. We're briefly given a list of their rules, but not enough detail as to how this society came to be. Some important parts were cut out of the movie or changed slightly, which is why you really must read the book first. However you can still understand most of it if you choose to see the movie before you read the book. While at times it does feel like it took inspiration from (read: stole) certain parts of the film adaptions of other YA novels such as "The Hunger Games" and "Divergent," keep in mind that the book of "The Giver" was written long before these other novels; it just took longer to make it. It's well worth the 20 year wait though, because this film adaptation is nearly perfect. It's probably the best book-to-film adaptation I've seen since the "Harry Potter" series. I'm hoping Jeff Bridges gets nominated for his role in this film, because he's absolutely phenomenal. And so is the film.
Grade: A-  9/10  4/5 stars

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

See, Michael Bay? You CAN make a movie based on something from the '80's without ruining it. Surprisingly, I enjoyed this movie very much. Megan Fox actually does something in this movie other than sitting around and looking pretty. Will Arnett really steals the show as her sidekick and has some hilarious one-liners. Although the motion capture in this movie is incredibly creepy, once you get used to it, the movie really sucks you in. I feel like Michael Bay actually learned from his mistakes with "Transformers" and decided to research the source material instead of changing it completely. Although, you can tell he's not going to let people forget the "Transformers" movies because Shredder looks exactly like Megatron, no exaggeration. it's as if Michael Bay decided to subtly do a TMNT/Transformers crossover but left that part to himself. Although the Turtles' origins have been changed slightly (in this movie, they're April's pets who are experimented on by her father in a lab instead of mutated by goop in a sewer) it still works and didn't really bother me that much. Despite the PG-13 rating, it's quite family friendly. I'm pretty sure the only reason for the rating was because it's live action. If it had been completely animated it could have easily gotten a solid PG.  Here's something I thought I'd never say about a Micheal Bay film; make a sequel. We could see Bebop and Rocksteady, Casey Jones, and Krang in the sequel. This was a great origin story film, but doesn't really have much else to offer die-hard fans.
Grade: B   8/10  3.5/5 stars

Friday, August 1, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy

This feels more like a parody of the previous Marvel movies, then a legitimate one. That's not a bad thing though, because the constant humor keeps you interested and laughing the whole time. With so many retro gadgets, such as a Walkman, this film may make you nostalgic for the 80s. It has heart, humor and Easter eggs galore. Some people may feel they want to skip this one, because the premise is too unusual. Don't do that. If you want to understand Avengers 2 next year, you have to see this. Marvel took a risk, and it paid off tremendously. Hopefully this will open the floodgates for some more lesser known Marvel properties being made into films. 
Grade: A-   9/10 4/5 stars

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Happy 1 year Anniversary! (A day late, I know, but oh well!)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Finally! A prequel done right! Rise of the Planet of the Apes was great, but this is better than it in every way! The great thing about this movie is that it's not very clear who's good and who's bad. Both sides have good people and apes and bad people and apes. The documentary feel of this movie also helps instill emotions that would have otherwise not have been had this been filmed in a traditional way. See this is 3D if you can because the depth and detail make you feel you are right there with the humans fighting the war against the apes, and once you see the apes' side you feel as of you are right there quietly observing. When a human looks down the sight of his rifle, you feel you are that human about to shoot the ape. The great thing is that even if you haven't seen the previous installment "Rise of the Planet of the Apes," you can still understand this perfectly. The first 20 minutes are apes doing sign language with subtitles on the bottom of the screen but you can still understand even without them. This film conveys human emotion really well, and the score is breathtaking. If the Academy doesn't nominate this for best score I will never forgive them. Listen to it on a surround sound system, and just let it sweep over you. 
Grade: A  10/10 5/5 stars

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How to Train Your Dragon 2

Dreamworks has done the impossible! They've officially beaten Pixar as the best computer animation studio. Sure they've had some duds, but so has Pixar. (I'm referring to Brave) This is one of the best, if not the best, of all the films they've put out. Don't expect this to wrap everything up though, because just like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, this isn't a sequel, but rather act 2 of a 3 act story that you have to watch in order. Fans of the book series may be dissapointed to learn however, that just like the first film, its completely different from the books. This is also not the same formula that Dreamworks has used for "Shrek" and "Madagascar." Unlike those films this has a darker, more serious tone and is definitely anything but cookie cutter. I'm optimistic that "Dragons 3" will not be Dreamworks milking a dead cow, but rather making a fresh cut of prime rib out of it.  
Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

Friday, May 23, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past

If you're looking for a movie that has twists and turns and a plot that you have to pay attention to the movie to follow, this is it. I can easily say this is the best film in the X-Men franchise. It's got humor, heart, and a greatly satisfying ending. This is the ultimate geek movie. I mean what other movie has Jean Luc Packard and Gandalf in the same movie. (The actors of course, not the characters. That movie is too awesome to exist. This film is X-traordinary. There are too many boring parts though. But when it comes to action, this film delivers. This is why it's one of the best movies in the summer 2014 movie season.
Grade: A, 8/10, 4/5 stars

Friday, May 16, 2014


While the first 2/3 are boring and spend too much time "developing the story" it picks up  by the 3rd act.
Last year's Pacific Rim was a fun entertaining experience, and this is no different. Something very rare happened at my screening. Everyone was cheering. The only other time that's happened was at the "Doctor Who" 50th anniversary movie. The beginning is slow, but by the end of the film, so much awesome stuff has happened that it's forgivable. This film is not cheesy like the originals. It's incredibly well done and I wouldn't be surprised if we got a Pacific Rim/Godzilla crossover. (Make it happen Warner Brothers!) This is a very exciting, fun movie. There are a couple of jump scares however, so if that's not your thing, rent it. For the rest of you however, I highly recommend seeing it in the theater. Just like Pacific Rim, it's a BIG movie, that you have to see on a giant screen. The acting in the movie is somewhat flat, but if you're in it for the monster mayhem, it's easy to forget about the average acting. There are a few unneccessary conversations that drag the plot out, but by the time Godzilla appears, all is forgiven. It's a big monster showdown movie that's incredibly awesome. In summary, Godzilla is a fun time at the movies.
Grade: A-   9/10, 4/5 stars

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Amazing Spider-man 2

The summer movie season is off to an "amazing" start. (Pardon the pun) This is to the Spider-man franchise, what "The Dark Knight" was to the Batman franchise. It's that good! As always, Spider-man's witty banter with the villains is clever. There's also foreshadowing very early in the film that pays off at the end of the film. This movie proves that the people on IMDB have no idea what they're talking about. I really don't understand all the hate against this movie. I know that I always put the "One does not simply leave a Marvel movie before the end of the credits" meme, but this is an exception. All that's there is a clip from X-Men: Days of Future Past, which is pointless, since people are just going to see that clip with the actual film anyway. This movie is a fun thrill ride for all ages. 
Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Walking with Dinosaurs

Remember in 2000 when Disney released that fun movie "Dinosaur." Well if Netflix had been around during that time this movie would have been streaming as the knock-off version of it. If you've seen "Dinosaur," you've seen this. Replace whatever dinosaur Aladar was with a Triceratops and this is what you get. The whole movie was an excuse for a bunch of "in-your-face" 3D gimmicks, which are pointless if, like me, you did not watch it in 3D. The plot is thin and the film does not stay true to the TV show. If you're looking for facts about dinosaurs, look somewhere else. This is a watered-down film that insults everyone's intelligence. No idea why this was made. 
Grade: D   4/10  1/5 stars. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mr. Peabody and Sherman

I'm surprised I liked this as much as I did, considering  it's Dreamworks. While Mr Peabody's puns get old after a while, there's other non-pun jokes and visual gags to make up for it. It's also surprisingly educational for the most part.   It's like an animated "Doctor Who." Or rather "Dog"tor Who. Mr. Peabody even has a bowtie. They had an opportunity to make some Doctor Who joes and missed it. The animation is fluid, and impressive. This is probably  the best Dreamworks movie I've seen since "Turbo." 
Grade: A  9/10 4.5/5 stars

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Rio 2

I'm just going to cut to the chase: It's "Lorax" with birds. The pro-environmentalist, liberal message isn't even subtle. However, the film does have its redeeming qualities. The songs are fun, unlike "Frozen" where the songs were too Broadway. Although the plot is "been there, seen that," it picks up by about the 3rd act. The original was, well, original, but this is "Shrek 2" mixed with "Madagascar 2." Why does Hollywood think that humans are evil? News flash guys, not all humans are greedy, power hungry, animal haters. Stop depicting us that way. Also, there were way too many pop culture references. Please stop trying to be "trendy." It's just cringe-worthy for us to watch. The jokes are predictable and don't work. However, the film as a whole is fun. 
Grade: B+ 8/10 3/5 stars

Friday, April 4, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This is the best of the Phase 2 Marvel movies. It's what "G.I. Joe: Retaliation" should have been. While its definitely the most serious of the movies, it still manages to have little moments of subtle humor that we've all loved since "Iron Man." There's a slight cliffhanger that may or may not lead into "Avengers 2."  Nick Fury plays his biggest part yet in this movie, and Black Widow is an important factor in the plot as well. Even though this is a superhero movie, it's not just turn off your brain and enjoy. It has a complex plot that you have to pay attention to. As always stay halfway through the credits, and until the end. Both scenes are extremely important to the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 
Grade: A-  9/10 4.5/5 stars


Whoever made this movie obviously did not do their research. Right after the main character Ryan says "There's no oxygen in the ship." what do they show? Fire in the ship. What do you need for fire? Oxygen. There's also a pen randomly floating around, completely intact. Based on the pressure in the space shuttle there should be ink everywhere. This movie is just painful to watch. How this got nominated for any Academy Awards is beyond me. I know it's a movie, but if you're going to make a sci-fi movie, at least have some realism. Even Star Trek has realism for crying out loud. While it's not as bad as After Earth, it's just incredibly cheesy and 90% of it should have ended up on the cutting room floor. 
Grade: D+   4/10  2/5 stars

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Muppets Most Wanted

In 2011 I left the movie "The Muppets" thinking "Wow! I hope they make a sequel!" 3 years later I get my wish. The jokes are perfectly delivered and the breaking of the 4th wall is hilarious. I normally don't tolerate musicals, but the songs in this film don't take themselves seriously and are more satirical then dramatic, and even when the songs are slow there are plenty of visual gags to keep your attention. I had the soundtrack to the original on ad nauseam and I will be playing the soundtrack to this twice as much. There's a joke in the opening song that the "sequel's never quite as good." They're right. It's not as good. It's better.
Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

Saturday, March 1, 2014


When it comes to action, this film really lives up to its title. The action is indeed non-stop. While the film is not without flaws and plotholes, it's got enough spirit and thrill to make up for it. (However, there is one genuinely sweet moment that was unnecessarily turned into a comic relief moment) I came in with my expectations high and left thinking the film was better than I thought it would be. Just imagine how much better this would have been if I had come in with my expectations low. There's twists and turns at every moment, some details that you have to really have to pay attention to the film to notice, (and you will be rewarded for doing so) and some bait-and-switch moments that will surprise you. The whole film feels like a game of mafia set on an airplane. A game in which the audience is constantly fooled. You will not be dissapointed if you see this film.
Grade: A-  9/10 4.5/5 stars

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wrath of the Titans

My reaction at the end: What did I just watch? This is one of the few times I actually agree with Rotten Tomatoes. 25% fresh. No kidding. It's long, dull, boring, and the final battle feels ripped off from Fellowship of the Ring. Do not waste your time with this movie. If CinemaSins from YouTube is reading this please do an Everything Wrong With video. This movie is perfect for you guys. Yeah, it's that bad. 
Grade: F  0/10 0/5 stars. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Clash of the Titans (2010)

Why do people drink Haterade with this movie? It was surprisingly good. Is it perfect? No, but what is? Sure the CGI looks like a Wii video game, but the story and action kept me watching until the end. I usually think Greek mythology is boring, but I made an exception with this movie, and did not regret my decision. 
I know this movie isn't "new" but my rule for this blog is if I rent a movie I haven't seen, I write a review regardless of how old it is. Was it amazing? No.  However, it was a fun movie, and I can't wait to watch and review Wrath of The Titans soon. 
Grade: B  8/10 4/5 stars

Monday, February 10, 2014

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

If you're going to make an espionage movie, try not to use the same plot formula that we've seen 50,000 times. We get it Hollywood. You think Russians are evil. And we, the Americans are the best people on Earth. Instead of something original, we get a blatant plagiarism of James Bond movies. Tom Clancy would not be proud of what you've done. Shame on you, Hollywood. Shame. On. You. Please stay true to the source material and hire actors who sound like they're not bored next time. Everyone sounds like they really don't want to be there. And you won't either.
Rent or go to a discount-theater to see it. 
Grade: C+ 5/10 2/5 stars

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Lego Movie

If you think movies based off toys are a bad idea, (Transformers) this proves it wrong. I know it's only February, but I think I can easily say this is one of the best animated movies of 2014. And unlike the Lego video games, the characters actually speak. There's also a lot of cameos from other Lego figures, some of which are characters you might recognize. It's clear the filmmakers put a lot of thought and heart into this movie. The Lego Movie is a definite blockbuster. (Yeah that's right, I said blockbuster.) Exaggerated personalities of DC superheroes also make it a great film for those who are not Lego fans. 
Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

This movie is proof that you can have too much of a good thing. While the first one had great writing, this one seems like the writers just said "Hey let's choose the name of a food and the name of an animal at random and combine it to make some of the cheesiest puns ever unleashed onto mankind." If you've seen Jurassic Park: The Lost World you've seen this. Too much time is spent on lazily-written food puns, and not enough time spent on the story. By the end of the movie, your forehead will hurt from slapping your forehead so much from the bad puns and all the screaming. Please, no Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 3. Just stop. In fact, the first one was so perfect, this ruins it. Grade: C-, 4/10 2/5 stars.