Saturday, September 6, 2014

Edge of Tomorrow

I didn't really expect much from this movie. The trailers made me think "Oh, it's just Tom Cruise playing the same character over and over." However, after giving this film a chance, I'm glad I saw it. While it felt a bit redundant at times (But I guess that's the point) and started off a bit slow, by the end I was enchanted. This is one movie Hollywood should NOT make a sequel to because this movie would be instantly tainted. This is not your typical sci-fi movie and is actually quite original. It's interesting to see how just one choice can cause a different outcome then a different choice. My one complaint was it wrapped everything up vaguely and too quickly. It feels like there's no ending. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not to keep the main idea of the movie but it felt rushed to me. I did enjoy the strategy concept of this film, and how it felt like it was poking fun at regenerating every time you die in a video game and have to watch the same cutscene every time. I'm pretty sure this was unintentional, but it was genius. I enjoyed this film and it's quite a shame it's considered a box-office flop.
Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars

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