Saturday, September 6, 2014

Transformers: Age of Extinction

This is, yet again, another time when I disagree with Rotten Tomatoes. This movie is AWESOME!!!! Just forget the previous 3 films happened. This is both a sequel and a reboot. Only this time, the movie works. I think Micheal Bay is learning from his mistakes. Although this film is not without flaws of its own, it's not a pop culture travesty like "Transformers 2 and 3" were. The plot is original, (well, as original as you can get when the movie is about robots fighting each other and also based on a property that's existed for 30 years), the dialogue is humorous intentionally, and the soundtrack by Imagine Dragons makes this film even better than I expected. However, the film overuses slow-motion shots. I don't mind if it's used once or twice, but not during every fight scene. Contrary to popular belief slow motion does not make everything look cooler, It can, if used sparingly and correctly, but not like how it's used here. I felt like this film focused to much on the human characters. The movie is called "Transformers," not "Humans." If some of the unneccesary scenes, such a one of the characters drinking milk on the roof for 5 minutes (I'm not kidding, this is a legitimate scene. Seriously.) and had used that time to show what we came to see, robots beating each other up, the film could have been a bit better.
Grade: C    7/10 3/5 stars

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