Saturday, August 16, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

See, Michael Bay? You CAN make a movie based on something from the '80's without ruining it. Surprisingly, I enjoyed this movie very much. Megan Fox actually does something in this movie other than sitting around and looking pretty. Will Arnett really steals the show as her sidekick and has some hilarious one-liners. Although the motion capture in this movie is incredibly creepy, once you get used to it, the movie really sucks you in. I feel like Michael Bay actually learned from his mistakes with "Transformers" and decided to research the source material instead of changing it completely. Although, you can tell he's not going to let people forget the "Transformers" movies because Shredder looks exactly like Megatron, no exaggeration. it's as if Michael Bay decided to subtly do a TMNT/Transformers crossover but left that part to himself. Although the Turtles' origins have been changed slightly (in this movie, they're April's pets who are experimented on by her father in a lab instead of mutated by goop in a sewer) it still works and didn't really bother me that much. Despite the PG-13 rating, it's quite family friendly. I'm pretty sure the only reason for the rating was because it's live action. If it had been completely animated it could have easily gotten a solid PG.  Here's something I thought I'd never say about a Micheal Bay film; make a sequel. We could see Bebop and Rocksteady, Casey Jones, and Krang in the sequel. This was a great origin story film, but doesn't really have much else to offer die-hard fans.
Grade: B   8/10  3.5/5 stars

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