Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Wish Upon

Ok. This movie isn't great but it doesn't deserve the 19% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I quite enjoyed it, but it definetely could have been better. Mostly because a lot of the characters were charicatures. You could make a checklist and check each box as the film goes on. "Mean girl" Check. "Bullied main character." Check. "Guy that likes her but she doesn't like." Check. "Guy that doesn't like her but she does like." Check/ "At least one of the main character's parents is dead" Check.  It goes on.  But as far as the actual story goes, it was kind of exciting. It wasn't a "scary" movie, but it was definetly suspenseful. The ways the wishes got twisted to be bad were kind of clever. But this suffers from what almost every horror film suffers from these days: A lazy ending. The ending is just completely random and out of nowhere, to the point where it's kind of laughable. I thought of an ending that would have been much better, and "Twilight Zone" esque. (But I'm not giving spoilers. If you want the spoiler review go to my Youtube channel: 
Overall, I think the movie this reminded me most of was "Drag Me to Hell." Definetly had the same kind of style/story. This had a lot of potential, and while a lot of it was pretty good, it certainly could have been better thought out.
Grade: C   7/10   3/5 stars

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