Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Ignore the critics! This movie is absoultely phenomenal! There are very few movies where I leave the theater thinking "I want to go see this a couple more times." When this hits the discount theater I'm going to see it again! This is a sci-fi movie with a classic "Flash Gordan" kind of feel. It's a fast-paced, super fiun thrill ride. And the visuals are spectacular! It's the most visually impressive movie since "Avatar!" The two main characters were very reminiscent of Han Solo and Leia, especially with their flirtatious love-hate relationship. It also had fast-paced witty dialogue. If you're a fan of Star Wars or even Star Trek, this is definetly worth  a watch. It's a shame this isn't doing so well at the box office. Hopefully it makes its money back, because I want a sequel to this, darn it! (Which, again, "I want a sequel" is something I very rarely say after movies. They have to be really good for me to say that.) The only thing that could have improved this movie is there were a couple of parts that were unneccessary from a plot standpoint and were just there to pad the runtime. I guess those parts are the movie equivalant of commericals so that you can go to the restroom and get concession refills without missing anything important. Even though this isn't doing so well, I'm hoping it finds a cult following on Bluray.
Grade: A-    9/10    4/5 stars

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