Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Last year, I said that "Spider-Man: Homecoming" was the best Spider-Man movie ever. I was wrong. This is! It has the perfect amount of action, drama, and comedy. Allegedly, the directors, Phil Lord and Chris Miller, were fired from the Han Solo movie because their vision was "too comedic." This movie proves they can balance drama and comedy perfectly, and I'm hoping this film opens the floodgates for them with other studios wanting to hire them. The animation took some getting used too as it is computer-animated, but meant to look like a comic book not quite completely CGI, but not quite completely hand-drawn either. What was clever about this very unique animation style was in certain close-up shots you could see the little dots that you would see in the pages of a comic book if you zoomed in with a magnifying glass. This movie already blew my mind, but if it had come out when I was 6, it would have blown my mind even more so. This is the Spider-Man movie I would have wanted as a kid, and I can't help but feel jealous of kids today who are my age when the original Spider-Man movie came out in 2002. The backstories for the various Spider-people are told very well, and even if you're not familiar with all the various iterations of the character, you still don't feel lost. (and this movie barely scratches the surface of the Spider-Man lore. There are still many, many, versions of Spider-Man that can be touched on, and I look forward to seeing them in the sequel). This is perfect for kids and adults! If this is not nominated for an Oscar next year, something is wrong with the Academy. There was absolute nothing about this movie to complain about!
Grade: A+   10/10   5/5 stars

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