Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Holmes and Watson

At the time of publishing this review, this currently has a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes, and I'd be lying if I said I couldn't see why. The modern day references in what is supposed to be the 1800s can be a little annoying at times, but I still laughed at this movie. I'm a bit of a sucker for goofball comedies, and I got pretty much what I expected with this. Will Ferrel and John C. Reilly actually do make a pretty funny duo that reminded me of old comedy duos. Some of the jokes were kind of eyeroll groaners, but the ones that worked worked pretty well. Like I said, the modern slang and references do feel out of place, but some of them were actually kind of funny and thought provoking. There's actually some pretty funny commentary on society today compared to society in the 1800s, although some of it did feel a little preachy which annoyed me. There's also this musical number during the last 3rd of the film that is just out of nowhere, and adds nothing to the film, and honestly should have been cut. I didn't hate this movie, but I won't be watching it again anytime soon.
Grade: C     7/10     3/5 stars

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