Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Finally, a great Transformers film! Now, I'm one of those people that enjoyed the Transformers movies for the most part, but this blows all of them out of the water! This is what they should have done the first time! This isn't just giant robots blowing stuff up for 3 hours. This actually has some heart and quiet moments to it. It's not exactly what I think of when I think "Transformers", but it was still fantastic! This feels like an '80s' movie. It reminded me a lot of "E.T" or 'The Iron Giant". I was skeptical that since Bumblebee doesn't talk, he wouldn't be able to carry a movie on his own, but this proved me wrong. His scenes are some of the funniest I've seen in these movies. I'm impressed that this is only Travis Knight's second film, and he's already 2 for 2. Rumor says that Marvel is thinking of hiring him to direct 'Guardians of the Galaxy 3' and after seeing this, they definitely should. I also must praise Knight for focusing on telling a story and not objectifying the female characters in any way! This is the most family-friendly Transformers movie. If I had kids, I'd let them watch it. Up to now, I have never heard an audience cheer during a movie that wasn't a superhero or ''Star Wars"movie. My audience went crazy! I think this is the only "Transformers" movie that got a standing ovation from my audience. If you grew up in the '80's you'll definitely love this film! Even if you haven't seen the other movies or know nothing about Transformers, you can still follow it pretty well. It stands on its own as a terrific film!
Grade: A+   10/10   5/5 stars

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