Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Ocean's 8

After 'Ocean's 12' and '13' left something to be desired, I went in with my expectations fairly low. I'm happy to say, this is the worthy successor to "Ocean's 11" that we've been waiting 17 years for. It has all the fun and thrill of 11 and is just as smartly written. The cast, for the most part work very well off each other, and there's lots of great twists. Unlike the recent "Ghostbusters'' remake this isn't a gender swapped cash grab just for the sake of doing it. It has connections to the original, and while you don't need to have seen the original to understand it, it definitely helps. (Keep an eye out for cameos from some of the original cast). The premise is pretty much the same as 11 except instead of a bank the crew is robbing a necklace off of a high profile individual at the Met Gala and will divide it among the 8 of them. The "Ocean" in this one is the sister of Danny Ocean and she's putting her own crew together to continue his legacy. Even though Steven Soderbergh is not directing this time around (he retired after directing "Logan Lucky") he is an executive producer and you can tell his influence is all over it. It's a fun romp that was better than I expected.
Grade: B     8/10      4/5 stars

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