Monday, June 11, 2018

Ocean's 13 (2007)

After the slog that was Ocean's 12, I'm glad to see this one learned from the mistakes of its predecessor and got back to the roots of what made Ocean's 11 so fun. Don Cheadle finally gave up on his terrible Cockney accent, and 3 out of every 4 of his lines are said in an American accent. A lot of the heist moments were really smart, and it was a just an all around good "Robin Hood" type story. The villain was a real scumbag, and that made it easy to root for the main characters even though they aren't the best people either. This film was missing a lot of the heart that "Eleven" had and that was disappointing. I feel there should have been more drama between the characters and story. This was an improvement over "Twelve" but not as good as "Eleven".
Grade: B     8/10     3.5/5 stars

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