Friday, February 10, 2017

The Lego Batman Movie

It's only February, but I think it's safe to say this is one of the best movies of 2017. Academy, if you don't nominate this for Best Animated Film in 2018, I will be so angry and annoyed. You already snubbed "The Lego Movie" and I don't want to get hurt twice. This movie is awesome because it feels like parody, while still honoring the source material lovingly. It's a satire on DC comics and Lego as a whole. I'm not going to spoil the 3rd act, but I will say that if you're a fan of classic 80s movies or British TV, you will love it. I'm thoroughly excited for "The Lego Ninjago Movie" later this year. If they can keep the winning formula they've done for the past two Lego movies, we may have some clear winners on our hands. The film has subtle moments in the background and blink-and-you'll-miss-it jokes that make this worth several repeated viewings. The comedic timing and humor are absolutely perfect. It's been 30 minutes since the film ended and my face still hurts from smiling and laughing so hard, and probably will hurt all night. Definetly a winner for kids and adults. Although it helps to be a comic book fan, you won't feel left out or not in on the joke if you're not. This is a film for everyone. Its meta, and sometimes self-deprecating jokes make it one of this year's most perfect films. There's also some "We're sorry" moments for some of the weaker Batman films like Batman and Robin, and even the days of the Adam West 60s tv show. It's not afraid to make fun of itself and just about everything about Batman.  I can't think of anything about this movie that I didn't like. It's definetly worth seeing.
Grade: A+  10/10  5/5 stars

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