Monday, February 6, 2017

I'm dropping my boycott of the studios suing VidAngel. (Disney, Fox and WB). No, VidAngel didn't win, (sadly), but I realized 3 things.
1. Who realistically will win? The small company with only a few million dollars or the multi-billion dollar studios?
2. If I didn't know VidAngel existed or about this lawsuit would I be boycotting? No.
3. Am I really going to get in trouble at Judgement Day for supporting these studios? Probably not. (As long as the movie I see is generally appropriate. Lego Batman won't get me in trouble. Now, Logan on the other hand...I just won't see that one).
And I'm probably the only person boycotting. 1 person is not going to make a difference.
Call me a hypocrite or a sellout or whatever, but this is my decision. I will continue to support VidAngel and I sincerely hope they win, but even if they don't I can support them through their original content through their own studio.

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