Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Little Prince

I don't normally review non-theatrically released movies, but this was so good I felt that I had to review it. 

This movie is amazing! The animation is some of the best I've seen. It is on par with Pixar! Even the story and message feel like something Pixar would have done. I definitely almost cried more than once. And for such a small release its got some big stars. Jeff Bridges, Paul Rudd, Ricky Gervais, and many others lend their voices to the production and they do s great job! I could tell there was a lot of love put into this. The stop-motion sequences are beautifully hand crafted. There's loads of detail put into them. And like I stated earlier the CG portions of the film are aesthetically pleasing as well. Everything is so fluid and crisp. And this isn't just "some kids movie", either. I think adults could get a lot out of the message too. This is a beautifully made production with a great story, great message, and stellar voice acting. It's definitely worth streaming on Netflix. 

Grade: A+. 10/10 5/5 stars

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