Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

While I did enjoy the first one, I think this is the one we should have gotten the first time. This actually feels (mostly) true to the original source material. Keep in mind, I never watched the cartoons growing up, but knowing some people who did, I'm taking their word for it. Stephen Amell is fantastic as Casey Jones, the new characters Bebop and Rocksteady were fun, the villain Krang was a nice addition, and there were actually some pretty funny jokes. Especially the jabs to some Ninja Turtles merch back in the day, such as a certain Anti-drug PSA. (Although there are some really outdated pop culture references from Mikey. "Say hello to my little friend" just isn't funny anymore. It's become tired and cliche. Let it die.) Some issues I had with the film were the character of Baxter Stockman (Tyler Perry). His performance is cringeworthy and unfunny. Although he is an important character, I wanted his scenes to be over as quickly as possible. They could have cast anyone else and they chose Tyler Perry of all people?! What were they thinking?!   I wish Will Arnett's character was in the film more, because he was the best part of the first one, and I was looking forward to witty banter between Arnett and Amell, but sadly, we didn't get any. There was so much untapped potential for comedy with these two and they wasted it (on Tyler Perry. Again, why?!) The story felt very classic Ninja Turtles and this movie is definitely a hidden gem, despite what Rotten Tomatoes would have you believe.

Grade: A-  9/10  4/5 stars 

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