Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Happy Death Day

I went in with my expectations low. I made the mistake of going in with high expectations for "Wish Upon" and was sorely disappointed. I figured if I went in with the mindset that this would be just ok, I would enjoy it more. And I was right. I didn't like it enough to the point where I'm going to buy it on Bluray, but I'm glad I saw it. This shows why Jason Blum is one of the great modern day horror producers. This succeeded where "Wish Upon" failed. The main character starts out unlikable but gets better as the story goes on. "Wish Upon" didn't do that. The main character in that one stayed unlikable throughout the entire film. This had a good mystery element to it that kept me guessing. There's tons of suspects for who could be the killer, and they each have different motives. I kept changing my suspicions of who the killer was every 5 minutes. This had a good twist that I didn't see coming, and won't dare spoil, because it's just too well concealed. Another thing I need to praise is it didn't overdo it on the jumpscares or gore. All the deaths were off screen, and done tastefully. And it didn't rely on jumpscares, so much as "There's something lurking in the shadows." This is much more effective at bringing suspense. I wouldn't say go see it in the theaters, but it's worth a rent. Definetly worth checking out.
Grade: B   8/10   4/5 stars

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