Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Angry Birds Movie

Considering this is a video game movie, I expected a lot worse. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it's not a recommendation. Considering we've had some phenomenal animated films this year like "Kubo," "Zootopia", and "The Little Prince", this should be ashamed to be released the same year as those. That being said the plot was surprisingly good. I wasn't sure how they'd be able to make a plot out of the "Angry Birds" games, but they pulled it off surprisingly well. There were also a lot of great visual puns that gave me a chuckle. And other than Josh Gad, all the voice actors did a good job, too. But that's really all the good things I have to say about this film. Here's the bad:
First of all....Josh Gad. I find him annoying in everything. The man cannot speak without yelling everything. If you have to yell to be funny, you're not funny. You're just desperate for attention. This film also had something I hate in animated films: Pop culture references that will be outdated in 2 years. Sometimes pop culture reference can work (There's actually a really good spoof on "The Shining" that made me laugh), but most of them are just there to pander to the millennials. ("Squad goals! Insta-ham). Boy, did typing those out make me cringe! There's also a lot of really lowbrow bodily function humor that even Dreamworks would think is too far. And, I'm sorry to say, but the filmmakers felt the need to slip in some "adult humor". There were some really inappropriate joke and references that had me saying "This is a KIDS' movie?!" There's actually some borderline PG-13 humor. How was this only released with PG? If you really want to show this to your kids (I beg of you, please don't. Don't insult their intelligence) at least have the decency to filter it on VidAngel ,because, boy does this really need it. Otherwise you may get some really uncomfortable questions from your kids. My final complaint: "Time slows down/stops while a character runs fast" cliche. We've seen it before. It's not funny or clever anymore. Please let this gag die. Overall, not bad for a video game movie, but that's not a phrase that should be taken as positive.
Grade: C+  6.5/10  3/5 stars

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