Friday, December 16, 2016

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Holy Kenobi, this was awesome!!!!! I do acknowledge that "Force Awakens" was a remake of "A New Hope." No worries here. This is a story we haven't heard before. The characters are awesome (and without giving anything away, let's just say it pays off if you watched the Clone Wars tv series), the action sequences are amazing, and it feels like classic Star Wars while at the same time providing something new. The comic relief character is extremely well written with how a bit too honest he is. This has some new genres being explored in the Star Wars universe, which was something I liked about the Clone Wars tv show. My only complaint is that at times the CGI used to make some of the cameos of characters from the Original Trilogy look young looks a bit fake, like you could tell it was CGI. It's not as bad as young Jeff Bridges in "Tron: Legacy", but it looks a bit too shiny and at times like it's from a video game cutscene.
Grade: A-  9/10 4/5 stars

Well, it's been fun, but it's time to take a leave from this blog. I'm going to post my top 10 movies from 2016, and then I'm not going to post again for about 2.5 years. Why am I not reviewing "Assassin's Creed" and "Passengers?" I read yesterday that "Passengers" has a few scenes I would need to filter with VidAngel, and "Assassin's Creed" is from Fox which is one of the companies suing them, and I'm going to boycott the studios suing until to show Hollywood they're not as powerful as they think they are. (No Disney, Warner Bros. or Fox)

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