Friday, December 9, 2016


This had so much potential, but just fell flat. It started out really strong, but then fell apart, and then redeemed itself, but then fell apart again by the end. Overall: meh. I thought this would be a lot better than it was. It looked really cool, and I will admit that the military armor in the final battle looks really cool, and some of the tech is really cool too, but overall I wasn't really invested in this movie. I was constantly checking the run time to see how much was left. It just wasn't that interesting to me. It was a really cool premise, but was poorly executed. And the twist at the end was out of nowhere, dumb, and made no sense. This didn't entertain me that much, and was honestly just a big waste of time. 
Grade: D.  6/10. 2.5/5 stars

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