Saturday, May 28, 2016

X-Men: Apocalypse

This review is dedicated to movie critic Jeff Vice, who, sadly passed away of heart failure on May 27th, 2014. How fitting that his last review was X-Men: Days of Future Past, and now on the 2-year-anniversary of his death the latest film in the franchise opens. Without Jeff Vice I would not be a movie critic. 

X2: X-Men United is still my favorite in the franchise. The plot for this one wasn't exactly the best compared to, say, "First Class," or "Days of Future Past." It's easily the weakest in this prequel trilogy, but there were still some fun moments. The '80's pop culture references were clever and the action was fun. Quicksilver is still the fun comic relief character that he was in "Days of Future Past." Although, they did reuse the "he runs so fast that time stops so he messes with stuff while he does his job" gag from "Days of Future Past," and it just felt unnecessary and redundant. It was only funny the first time, guys. Sorry. Apocalypse certainly isn't the best villain this franchise has had, but he was still enjoyable. The cinematography in this was spot-on. I was excited to be introduced to some new mutants that are now on my favorites list. (Not saying who though. Spoilers). It's a good movie, but the plot could have been better thought out. 
Grade: B.  8/10.  3.5/5 stars

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