Saturday, May 28, 2016

Alice Through the Looking Glass

I'm glad to see Tim Burton learned from his mistakes of the first one. While the first one felt like "Lord of the Rings," and had way too much fantasy, this one actually feels like the source material. It's an original story, but still feels like the world of Wonderland. It didn't really feel like a Tim Burton movie. For one, there's color. Also, the visual imagery in this movie looked like something Robert Rodreguiz would make.  That's a good thing, though because it's fantastic. The story was intriguing, the villian was comedic while still being somewhat threatening, the action was exciting, it was just an all around fun film. However, there is one thing that bugs me. Making Alice an action heroine. There's nothing wrong with strong female characters in movies, as long as it fits that world, like with Marvel or Star Wars. But when it's in a movie like this, it feels forced. Also, the White Queen apparently can't talk without fluttering her hands. It's very distracting and looks ridiculous. Compared to the first film, this one is actually pretty good. I was genuinely surprised by how much I liked this. It was enthralling! It's what the first movie should have been. 
Grade: A-  9/10. 4/5

X-Men: Apocalypse

This review is dedicated to movie critic Jeff Vice, who, sadly passed away of heart failure on May 27th, 2014. How fitting that his last review was X-Men: Days of Future Past, and now on the 2-year-anniversary of his death the latest film in the franchise opens. Without Jeff Vice I would not be a movie critic. 

X2: X-Men United is still my favorite in the franchise. The plot for this one wasn't exactly the best compared to, say, "First Class," or "Days of Future Past." It's easily the weakest in this prequel trilogy, but there were still some fun moments. The '80's pop culture references were clever and the action was fun. Quicksilver is still the fun comic relief character that he was in "Days of Future Past." Although, they did reuse the "he runs so fast that time stops so he messes with stuff while he does his job" gag from "Days of Future Past," and it just felt unnecessary and redundant. It was only funny the first time, guys. Sorry. Apocalypse certainly isn't the best villain this franchise has had, but he was still enjoyable. The cinematography in this was spot-on. I was excited to be introduced to some new mutants that are now on my favorites list. (Not saying who though. Spoilers). It's a good movie, but the plot could have been better thought out. 
Grade: B.  8/10.  3.5/5 stars

Friday, May 6, 2016

Captain America: Civil War

This is the best Marvel movie yet! Even if you're not a superhero fan, I still highly recommend this, because it doesn't feel like a superhero movie. Much like "Winter Soldier" it's more of a political thriller. It makes you think, and debate about accountability and other important issues, which is very unusual for a superhero film. It's not just mindless action. The action sequences, by the way, are some of the best I've seen in any superhero movie, Marvel or otherwise.  They're choreographed so well. There's a lot that goes on, yet you never feel lost or overwhelmed during them. Up until this point, Andrew Garfield was my favorite actor to portray Spider-Man. Move over, Andrew Garfield. Newcomer Tom Holland has taken your spot. I was a bit skeptical when he showed up in the trailers because I thought he sounded way too young. But when he started throwing around one-liners in true Spider-Man fashion, all that doubt instantly went away. Fun fact: Tom Holland starred alongside Chris Hemsworth in "In The Heart of the Sea," and it's because of Hemsworth's recommendation of Holland for the role of Spider-Man to Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios that Holland was cast in the role. Great choice, Chris Hemsworth! I'm excited to see what this young man has in store for the future. This was everything I wanted, and more. Every time I think "Marvel can't possibly top this," they prove me wrong. But that's my worry. I'm worried that every Marvel film will try to outdo the predecessors by being bigger and better every time, until the MCU is eventually crushed by its own unattainable expectations. But until that day, I'll enjoy what the MCU has to offer. I expect great things from the next one: Doctor Strange. Great things, indeed.
Grade: A+. 10/10. 5/5 stars