Thursday, May 30, 2019

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

I am still picking my jaw up off the floor! This movie was awesome!  It makes up for Godzilla (2014), I movie I gave high marks to at the time (It was released when I was 16), but upon re-watch before this one, I felt was kind of lackluster, and I finally understand the complaints. This made up for it tenfold! If you're going in looking for plot, you won't find it, but if you're going in just to turn off your brain for a couple hours and watch monsters duke it out for superiority, this is the film for you! It's like a robotless "Pacific Rim." Other critics complained about this one having too much action, (which is weird, since they complained about the 2014 one not having enough action), but I didn't think so. For me, monster movies can never have too much action. I was smiling and internally cheering practically the whole time. This is what movies were made for! Fun escapism. (For the most part, anyway. There was some of that seemingly mandatory "Mankind is bad and screws everything up" garbage that seems to be in most films like this nowadays. I rolled my eyes and could have done without that, because it took me out of the movie, but other than that, it was fantastic!)
Grade: A-    9/10    4/5 stars

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