Tuesday, July 17, 2018


I really wanted to at least mildly enjoy this movie. The trailers didn't impress me that much, but I thought "It's a "The Rock" movie. It will at least be a fun kind of stupid." It's not even that. It's just stupid, stupid. I knew from the trailers that it was basically "Die Hard" and yeah, it is. But it's a poor man's "Die Hard". Like, if that movie were a TV movie on the Syfy channel. The writing is absolutely terrible. The characters are bland and one-dimensional. There are no character flaws to overcome. I thought "The main character has a mechanical leg. Is that going to be his crutch in the movie, both literally and figuratively?" Nope! If anything, it gives him an advantage. He also never sees his mechanical leg as a flaw that he learns to appreciate. I thought "Surely, as cliche as this trope is, he's going to be the dad that puts his career ahead of his family and learns to appreciate them?" Nope. He's pretty decent. There are no character flaws to overcome, which makes for boring characters, which makes for a boring movie. The only cool thing about this movie were the action sequences from several thousand feet up, giving me a sense of vertigo, but even those wore thin very quickly. This would have worked better as an amusement park ride. It's not even worth a rent. It's as generic as generic can be. I felt like I was being trolled with how absolutely stupid this movie is.
Grade: D    6/10    1/5 stars

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