Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tomb Raider (2018)

I went in with my expectations really low. This is a video game movie, after all. I went in with my expectations low and was still disappointed. I wanted to find something to enjoy about this movie, but I found nothing. The plot, when it finally got to the plot after an hour, was a beat-for-beat rip off of "Raiders of the Lost Ark." There's an ancient tomb/coffin, the bad guys (who in this one are not called Nazis but are basically Nazis) want to open it to unleash the power to control the world, archeologist tries to stop them, blah blah blah, you know the rest. This should have been called "Tomb Raiders of the Lost Ark". (Hey, Honest Trailers, I found your title for this movie.) The main character is so bland. She is such a Mary Sue. The actress did a fine job, it was just a badly written character. Lara Croft has no character flaws. She does everything perfectly. She's one-dimensional. She's boring. She is a knock off of Indiana Jones and Katniss Everdeen. (She even has the same bow and arrow!) The action sequences were filmed with the cursed shaky cam so you can't even tell what's going on when something is happening. I went with my friend who actually played the games, and even he thought it was terrible. I didn't play the games, and thought this movie was terrible. So if it can't satisfy fans of the game, and it can's satisfy a casual moviegoer, that should tell you all you need to know. This movie is better off buried and forgotten.
Grade: F+     0/10     0/5 stars

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