Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Dark Tower

I don't know what movie the critics saw, but it obviously wasn't this one, because there's no way this deserves an 18% on Rotten Tomatoes. This was awesome! At times the plot could be a little confusing, but the parts I understood, I loved! I don't know what the critics' problem with Matthew McConaughey is in this movie. He was really good. He managed to ham it up without hamming it up too much. He was a fun villain without becoming a charicature. Idris Elba as always, is fantastic! He manages to be serious and brooding, but also adds a bit of comedy to the role when appropriate. (Psst, DC, cast him as Jon Stewart in  the next Green Lantern movie. Hint hint) My one problem was that the editing was off continuity-wise sometimes. Specifically, for the actor Tom Taylor. I'm assuming he hit puberty part way through production, because for the first half of the film, his voice is high, and then all of a sudden out of nowehere his voice gets deep in the second half. They should have gone back and redubbed the first half. The action sequences are awesome! My jaw dropped! They're fast paced and don't have the "slow mo shot" cliche that so many films do nowadays. Without spoiling anything, I will say that if you read a lot of Stephen King's other books, you'll see some Easter Eggs. (Some are blink-and-you'll-miss-it). Ignore the critics and decide for yourself.
Grade: B.   8/10     4/5 stars

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