Friday, May 12, 2017

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

Why do we give Rotten Tomatoes so much credibilty? There are plenty of movies that have recieved low scores that I ended up really liking and this is one of them. Do not listen to the critics. I think the reason so many were quick to hate this film is that it is a little too fast paced. There aren't really any quiet moments to give the audience a few minutes to catch their breath and comprehend what they just watched up to that point and that is one way the film could have been improved. But as far as story goes, I really enjoyed it. Although at times I did see a lot of similarities to "The Force Awakens" and ''Rogue One", but Star Wars is basically sci-fi fantasy anyway, just as this is medeval Star Wars. Charlie Hunnam is great in the title role, but for me Jude Law and Aidan Gillen really stole the show. Law's great at playing villains and this is another example of that. He's so chilling. Aidan Gillen wasn't necessarily a "comic relief" character, but a few of his lines did get some laughs out of me. The action sequences in this film are so elaborate and well-done, however there are moments where it's painfully obvious CGI was used instead of actors, and it's not even good CGI. It looks like a trailer for a video game from 2004. A lot more of the budget should have gone to improving the CGI, because as quickly as I was enthralled by the action sequences, I was just as quickly taken out of them, and that kind of ruined the final battle for me. I also absolutely must praise the score! My goodness was this an awesome score! I loved Daniel Pemberton's work on "The Man from UNCLE" and the score here as just as epic. I can listen to this soundtrack for hours. It really gets you pumped for whatever action sequence or battle is about to happen. If you're about to hit the gym, put on this soundtrack. Trust me, it will help you. This was a great fantasty/action film. If "Stardust" was Guy Ritchie's fantasy movie for women, this is definetly his fantasy movie for men. Defintely should ignore Rotten Tomatoes with this one.
Grade: B   8/10   4/5 stars

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