Saturday, May 6, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

The best thing about Marvel is also the worst thing: They always try to outdo themselves with the next film in the MCU. Sometimes it really works like with this film, and Captain America 2 and 3, and sometimes it doesn't like with Iron Man 2 and Thor 2. But the advantage is they know how to keep making it better. They take fan's criticisms and complaints into account and try really hard to fix them. Such is the case with this film. Not that I had anything to complain about with part 1, but man, this definetely beats part 1 by a lot. Everything about this is better. The pacing, the story, the dialouge, the humor, and even the soundtrack. It manages to keep the style, spirit, and tone of everything we loved about the first film while also breaking new ground with it. It's very hard to make lightning strike twice, especially with a film with as weird a premise as Guardians of the Galaxy. By all accounts, the first film shouldn't have worked. Even more so the case with this film. Marvel has managed to do the impossible twice now. This is good, because it proves they're willing to take risks, but this is also bad, because now they'll be forced to outdo themselves every time, until eventually they'll be crushed by their own unattainable expectations. I'm very worried this will happen in the near future, especially as new films come out with new characters and new crossover films. Will we eventually be too greedy and want more and more and bigger and better each time until we're disappointed? I hope not. I know this isn't really a review of the movie, so much as it is about Marvel, but it's getting really had to keep this spoiler-free. Trust me, this is one film where you want to go in knowing as little as possible. Don't read the comics, don't use social media until you've seen the film. And I cannot stress this enough: Do not leave until ALL the credits have finished!!!!.
There is a total of 5 (Yes, FIVE) end credits scenes. And all are important especially as we gear up for Infinity War.
Grade: A-   9/10   4/5 stars

Listen to Borimir

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