Saturday, April 22, 2017

Assassin's Creed

I was really skeptical about this one, because it's a video game movie, and those are hit-or-miss. (Mostly miss.) I also knew very little about the source material going in, but that gave me an advantage because I was able to judge it purely on its own merit as a film and not based on whether or not it was a "faithful adaptation." I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. The plot was a little silly at points, and some times it felt like it was hitting me over the head by constantly reiterating "This is the hero's goal. This is the artifact we're looking for. Don't forget it. You won't foreget it because we're going to drill it into your head 20 more times in the next 10 minutes," and that got annoying really fast, but overall I enjoyed this movie. It had a sort of futurisitc "Indiana Jones'' feel. The acting from Michael Fassbender was fantastic. His performance was by far the best one in the movie. The action sequences were well choreographed, and this film was super fun! Unfortunately, since this is a video game movie which did terribly with critics, this probably won't get a sequel, which is a shame, really, considering that the film ends on a mild cliffhanger. (Why couldn't this have just stood alone?) Seems like the filmmakers put the cart before the horse by planning on making this a franchise before seeing how well it actually did. I really want a sequel to this, but even if we don't get one, I still enjoyed myself. It was a lot more fun than I expected, and surprisingly well-done, especially for a video game movie.
Grade: B. 8/10 4/5 stars

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